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Zirdrae Dawnfell

Zirdrae Dawnfell

Zirdrae is a druid working as a researcher for the Cobalt Soul, is a were-rat, and also in general is extremely awkward around people.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zirdrae is small but otherwise very average looking for her age.

Body Features

Delicate and petite pear-shaped body. When transformed, her limbs are longer and more gaunt over the muscles, her face elongates somewhat and she grows sharpened rodent-like fangs, whiskers, and small patches of white fur on her forearms and face.

Facial Features

Slender and thin face, violet eyes, small button nose, with thin cupid bow lips.

Identifying Characteristics

Fiery, purple eyes, and long dark hair.

Physical quirks

Her eyes are not naturally purple and people who knew her before the accident that occurred will remember she used to have brown eyes. Occasionally near the full moon, a scent similar to animal fur can be found on her.

Special abilities

She is capable of shapeshifting into a large rat or human/rat hybrid.

Apparel & Accessories

A small lavender flower hair clip, a layered royal purple corset vest with black straps that have a silver embroidery, a gothic ivory blouse with a square neckline, with a layered ivory lace bustle, on top of an ivory silk long skirt with a deep purple lining, and an indigo shoulder cap buckled with a silver badge, and a gold and red metal belt.

Specialized Equipment

An affinity for simple fire magic, animals, and some elemental entities.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zirdrae grew up in the outer walls of the city of Rexxentrum and was never particularly interested in following her family’s history of farming. Rather, her curiosity drove her to explore anything and everything she could find. Particularly, she had a love for nature and frequently studied strange plants and animals that she could find in books or stories. Living within the walls of the empire originally made her sheltered to the outside world but between herself and her brother Flynn, both showed a significant degree of innate magical talent. Flynn, her eldest brother, always had a rivalry with her to see who could learn more about the ways of the world, however Flynn’s interests fell sharply into the world of the Arcane instead of the arms of nature and through chance happenstance he managed to find his way studying in the Soltryce Academy after stopping a thief from robbing a mage deeper in the city.. Her little brother, Coda, shared in her curiosity but lacked his older sibling’s magical prowess, instead training himself physically. Both Coda and Zirdrae became initiates at the Library of the Cobalt Soul almost as quickly as they were able to. Coda never showed it, but he resented his sister’s natural talents and ambitiously worked to climb the ranks of the Soul.   Zirdrae personally trained under the guidance of Expositor Mausper who diligently and patiently let her explore her curiosities while training her to defend herself and in her studies. He led her on many expeditions exploring the surrounding areas of Rexxentrum to study the natural areas native to the region and to explore any unusual phenomena that occurred. Over the course of several years of study, Zirdrae learned that Expositor Mausper was actually a part of a secret sect of the Soul composed of wererats, having stumbled upon his quarters during the full moon to investigate strange noises coming from within. He trusted her enough to offer her the chance to join the inner circle.   Some time later, Zirdrae was sent to a small nearby village to investigate some bizarre storms that had been occurring at some ruins there. On the night of her arrival the storm became furious and destructive, dark clouds sent bolts of lightning into the forest and village, spreading fires everywhere and stranding Zirdrae in the forest. Suffocating and blinded by the smoke, she crawled across the forest floor before stumbling across a bright, purple feather before falling unconscious. While she recovered she had a vision from the entity Desirat and awoke to the burnt forest. Looking in a nearby puddle she realized she hadn’t even been burned and that her eyes had begun to glow a similar purple color to the feather.   Returning to the Cobalt Soul after the encounter, and with the help of Expositor Mausper, begins trying to research Desirat. She finds out that a group from the Cerberus Assembly has blocked the Soul’s access to any knowledge on Desirat for the time being. 5) 2 parents 5 siblings (attached to 2 of them significantly) 1 Family member with friendly rivalry; commoner, 1 Family member owes you a debt and doesn't like it; you don't know what they do for a living (+1 Fate)   6) You were caught in a terrible storm or other natural disaster but miraculously survived. You now receive dreams and visions from a powerful god, demigod, or other supernatural being that can offer additional information or insight in some situations, and you gain proficiency in either the Arcana or Religion skill.   Favorite food is dumplings and steam potato bread   Idea: Mentor trusts you enough to let you become a wererat, head out on expidition and encounter Desirat. Continue normal work but is distracted, mentor sends you out to find the answer to what youre looking for. Mentor is within the cobalt soul, pack of wererats are there as some sort of inner circle. Family memeber owes you a debt and doesnt like it; potentially was a part of the cobalt soul who was looking for that inner circle, went overboard into research as a result, something awful happens and you save them; they owe you their life but also got them kicked out of the cobalt soul.   You have been chosen by Desirat and have been blessed with a fraction of her power, you must awaken your inner flame.


Zirdrae has studied at the Library of the Cobalt Soul in Rexxentrum and is well educated.


Zirdrae is a researcher initiate at the Library of the Cobalt Soul.

Personality Characteristics


Generally, if she can help it, Zirdrae will keep herself as clean as possible given the circumstances. Otherwise, she is not especially a clean freak and will prioritize other things over cleaning whenever necessary.


Contacts & Relations

Gordon ???: A friend of Zirdrae's father who is a tad bit unhinged. The man usually earns money by taking part in fighting rings and bar fights, he always tries to borrow money from other people. He is extremely suspicious of Zirdrae and Coda and believes a few too many conspiracy theories about the Cobalt Soul. His suspicions have only grown since Zirdrae's enrollment into the wererat order and her subsequent change in eye color after encountering Desirat. Gordon is a dwarf with dark, orange hair and a long, messy beard. His nose has been broken several times and has never really healed properly. He is most often drunk or trying to become drunk.   Master Mausper: An Expositor from the Cobalt Soul and Zirdrae's master for training and studying there. He is a wererat within a secretive order within the Soul. He is stern, perceptive, and very patient. He is an old human with thin, grey hair and a wiry, long mustache and thin beard.

Family Ties

Flynn Dawnfell: Zirdrae's older brother that has studied at the Solstryce Academy with the goal of joining the Cerberus Assembly. The two have maintained a healthy rivalry since they were little. Flynn shares Zirdrae's curiosity but is much more ambitious and aside from close family generally doesn't care about how others feel. Flynn is a half elf with pale green eyes and short cut brown hair. Usually he can be found carrying a large number of books and scrolls on his person, and wears wireframe glasses.   Coda Dawnfell: Zirdrae's younger brother who also joined the Cobalt Soul. Due to his lack of magical ability, he became a monk there and was seeking to join a secretive order of wererats within the society. He has a rather unhealthy lack of self control and after being saved by Zirdrae was denied entry into the order that she ended up joining. Because of this Coda resents Zirdare for her success, even more so because she saved his life. Coda grew up as a farm hand and is significantly more tan than his older siblings. He has messy, long brown hair, green eyes, and a series of scars and callouses on his hands from training and working.

Awkward Squeaky Druid Noises

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair, pale
92 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Everything is going to be just fine!" "Oh dear..." "You're doing your best, aren't you?"
Known Languages
Common, Druidic, Zemnian, Giant, Elvish, and Primordial.

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