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Zora Ayad Stonethorn

Zora Ayad Stonethorn

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A well trained and disciplined body that she gained in prison when she began her training. Muscular but dexterous.

Facial Features

Thick black eyebrows, a big round nose, pointed but squared ears and small tusks from her father's side of the family. Somewhat almond shaped purple eyes, purple skin undertone and white hair from her mother's side. Both ears pierced with two triangular studs.

Identifying Characteristics

Silver bangles hanging from her wrists and ankles. A fully bandaged left arm for personal reasons. A white feathered mohawk somewhat swept to the left. Being a half orc.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Being born from a Drow and a Orc, Zora has always felt displaced. Raised in Asarius, Zora learned to be aggressive as she explored and interacted with the common people of the 'City of Beasts'. Along with being told of the supposed “curse of ruin” due to her orc heritage. Though not fully buying into the idea of the curse, Zora did have her doubts. Zora's aggressiveness and being around more lower crowds put a bit of a strain between Zora and her mother, Zareen. Her Orc side of the family trained her to fight better and letting her more aggressive side out to indulged in the “curse”.
During a high event in Asarius that Zora and her mother were at as the entertainment, a very persistent noble Drow tried to make moves on Zareen. Zora got into a altercation with the noble and his guards. Later on he has summoned Zareen alone with the promise of an opportunity to leave Asarius and go to the capital. Zora listened into the noble try to force himself on Zareen. Zora had beaten and bloodied the noble, escorting her mother out of the event and back home.
The morning after the event the Aurora Watch came to Zora's home and notifying her and her mother about that the noble was killed and arrested Zora for murder, sentenced to 10 years in prison. During Zora's time in prison she had made one key ally, a half elf woman from the Menagerie Coast by the name of Aeris. Aeris took Zora under her wing seeing her potential and the fire within her, teaching her to harness and control her anger. But before Aeris could go further with Zora's training she was apart of a prisoner exchange between the Empire and the Dynasty.
Now after serving her time in prison, Zora now in a self imposed exile from Xhorhas is out to find her master and to improve herself.

Personality Characteristics


Short term Prophecies: Currently to find her mentor, Aeris Seawind and to further her training. Upon that will lead to her complete her tattoos.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Music, good food and drink, friendly people, training with her mentor, a good fight, hugs and animals.
Dislikes: Snooty and pompous people, people who look down on her for her heritage and appearance, bugs and anything that lacks legitimate flavor.


Contacts & Relations

  • Mentor: Aeris Seawind. Half Elf, 156 years old. Deep tan skin, long wavy dark brown hair with a gray skunk stripe, very toned semi muscular but petite body. From the Menagerie Coast. Met Zora in prison, took an interest and started to train her and grew close almost like a mother and daughter. But was separated during a prisoner exchange between the Empire and the Dynasty.

Family Ties

  • Mother: Zareen Ayad, Drow, entertainer in Asarius, 273 years old. Keen worshiper of The Luxon. Wishes to move to Rosohna to be closer to the capital and to one day be a part of the cycle of the Luxon. Choose to stay in Asarius rather than join the Stonethorn clan. A lover of music and the arts but a stern parent fixated on the idea of rebirth. Taught Zora on music and the preforming arts and had her preform with her. Formed a somewhat strained relationship with Zora due to her mingling with the lower echelons of Asarius and Zora's aggressive assertion and tendency to fight.
  • Father: Akuji Stonethorn, Orc chief of a druidic nomad clan in Wildmount, 78 years old. Wise but jolly, has an air of terrifying might, experience and whimsy. Fell in love with Zareen during a stop at Asarius. After the news of Zareen being pregnant and her declining the offer to join the clan, he made a vow to stop and visit Asarius to see his daughter and to keep in touch. Cares for Zareen and Zora but has felt distant and disconnected from them. Tries to act as a father to Zora as infrequent as he was in her life but has grown a bit jaded over the years.
  • Oldest Brother: Zuberi Stonethorn, Orc Barbarian; path of the beast, friendly rival, 50 years old. Next in line to be the chief. Tested Zora's abilities in combat to see if she is truly his fathers blood but also in fun spirit as a older brother. Butting heads in a light hearted but hot blooded manner. He always saw the fighting spirit of his youngest sister and wanted to hone her skills and indulge in her rage.
  • Oldest Sister: Katlego Stonethorn, Orc, accomplished huntress of the clan, 42 years old. Thinks lowly of Zora being a half breed and of Zareen not joining the clan, but isn't cruel or malicious. Is prideful of herself and her accomplishments. Loves being on the road and on the hunt than stopping and settling for a long moment of time.
  • Twin Siblings: Dada & Sanda Stonethorn, Orc, 39 years old. Twin sisters who took more after and were fascinated by their fathers Druidic side. Playful but rumbustious, they like to pay tricks in their animal forms in all of good playful fun. They both love to make people laugh but are deeply in tune with nature and spirituality. Always loved visiting Zora and making her smile.


Tends to call people by very simple nicknames. Sleeps topless. Is a hugger and cuddler. Wakes up to do her exercises and meditation. When provoked about her appearance or irritated by someone she tends to try to hold back and calm herself by closing her eyes and doing breathing exercises.


Talks with a fake accent to not reveal her Xhorhasian accent/routes.

A woman of action, compassion and wit. Zora wears her emotions on her sleeve though sometimes is not the brightest. After spending 10 years in prison for a crime she didn't commit Zora roams Wildmount to find her mentor.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
20th of Dualahei, 801 PD
Current Residence
Roaming Wildmount
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sage Green with purple undertones
6ft 4
250 lb.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Zora, just Zora."

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