
Alatheia is the solar system that campaigns in Tellandria are set in. Alatheia contains five planets that orbit around a central star.
At the center of Alatheia lies Sol, a bright burning star which provides light to the other planets of Alatheia.

Closest to Sol is the planet Hell, a planet of deep reds and browns that is thought to be the throne world of Ashema, and home to the Nine Layers of Hell.

After Hell comes Celestia, a planet of bright blues and greens that has the closest appearance to Tellandria. It is believed to be home to the Celestial Plane of existence, under the leadership of Themus.

Following Celestia is Tellandria, the Prime Material Plane and home to most humanoid civilizations. Tellandria is believed to have been created by Equus to balance out the other four planets of Alatheia. Tellandria is the only planet in the Alatheia Solar System with a system of Rings.

After Tellandria comes Arborea, a completely green planet with frozen poles that is believed to have been created by Kakophonos as his throne world. It is assumed to be home to the Infinite Glade of Arborea.

The farthest planet away from Sol is Abyss, a dark planet at the edge of Alatheia. It is believed to be the home of Anaxia, and is assumed to house the Infinite Abyss.

Between the five planets and Sol is Nyx, the void that connects the planets to one another. Though Nyx is largely empty, this "Space Between Worlds" houses twinkling stars, brilliant nebulas, and divine constellations. 

Solar System
Included Locations
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Owen Fulton