Book II | Chapter I | Meteors and Pastries Report Report in Tellandria | World Anvil

Book II | Chapter I | Meteors and Pastries Report

General Summary

On a clear Newgrowth evening, Adrian Lawrence, Cass, Silas  and Oliver Revilo were enjoying drinks at the Sorewood Let-Up, when the sudden urge for delicious pastries from Rannik Glaze and his mobile pastry cart hit all of them. They left the Let-Up, and as they scoured the town searching for the pastry cart they witnessed a small meteor shower. They eventually found Rannik near the burnt remains of his cart, sobbing in the evening hours. 

Rannik blamed the destruction of his cart on Stridor Grimes, the Fire Genasi owner of the Bread Box. The party hatched a plan with Rannik to exact revenge on Stridor and her business. 

The party snuck into Sirdor's home, discovered some strange magical items, and accidentally triggered some kind of magical alarm alerting Sirdor to their activities. After a wild chase through town and the woods surrounding Sorewood involving Sheriff Onevia Limbtwister and her deputies, all four party members reconvened at Rannik's hut in the woods. Unfortunately, Rannik ended up in jail, and a plan for his release is forthcoming.
Adventures in Chapel Valley
Oliver Revilo
Jack Morning
8 / 8 HP
Report Date
07 Feb 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Cover image: by Owen Fulton