Dawn Session 5 Report

General Summary

5 of the 7 players (No Raveena‌ or Kriita‌ today) were able to make it today, so I modified their encounter with the ghouls from 4 ghouls down to 3. Even with the modifications, they still had a long and difficult combat with the ghouls. Eventually, the ended the encounter with Queen Devil‌ taking down two of the ghouls, and Erebus‌ taking down the third as it was running away from Caspian‌'s Turn Undead.

The players regrouped, ate some goodberries from Kevos‌, and made a final search of the Numen‌'s impact zone. A successful investigation check by Zacarius‌ identified a faint trail of Residuum‌ heading Northward toward the village of Cholain‌.

The players left to travel towards Cholain, stopping midway to rest along the river bank. During the night, Queen Devil rolled a successful slight of hand check to silently pile small river pebbles on top of Zacarius's blanket as he slept, completely encasing him in pebbles by the end of her night shift.

The session ended as the players reached the village of Cholain.

Report Date
08 Oct 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Owen Fulton