Reza Floodplains

The Reza Floodplains are a large area within The Cradle of Kropall. The Reza Floodplains (also known as "The Rezas"), are fed by a number of rivers that flow off the Themun Range and empty into the The Whispering Deep.


Historically, most of the Reza Floodplains was dominated by dry and arid land with the only vegetation appearing near the rivers flowing of the Themuns. However, as humanoid creatures began to populate the area and establish cities and settlements, they created large irrigation channels branching off from the rivers to extend the area of farmable land, drastically changing the landscape. 

At the time of the Dawn Campaign, irrigation channels had significantly extended the area of fertile land around the rivers, allowing cities like Ahquet to become major suppliers of farmed goods. 

Natural Resources

The Rezas historically have been the source of a number of cereal grains and important domesticated livestock, which have been exported all over the world since the Age of Creation

Alternative Name(s)
The Rezas
Location under
Related Reports (Primary)

Cover image: by Owen Fulton