Elementore Profession in Tellandria | World Anvil

Elementore (Ell-ah-men-tor-eh)

Elementores are hunters who specialize in the capture of elementals that have become trapped on the Prime Material Plane. 



There is little to no formal industry for Elementores; as such, the only qualification is that aspiring Elementores have the money to purchase the equipment necessary for their work. 


Social Status

Because of the danger associated with hunting elementals, Elementores are treated with high regard and reverence. 


The name "Elementore" comes from Salvoñol, and was originally used to describe specialized warcasters from the Kingdom of Salvone, who summoned powerful elementals against their enemies. With the advent of the Elemental Engine, the name was co-opted by entrepreneurial hunters seeking to cash in on the burgeoning industry.


Dangers & Hazards

Being an Elementore is an incredibly tough job. Elementals are extremely dangerous, and many elementores perish while trying to catch their prey. However, the successful capture of an elemental precipitates lucrative rewards, and the desire for both the thrill of the hunt and the inevitable rewards to come convince many to try their hand at the trade.

Alternative Names
Elemental Hunters