
Salvoñol is a Common language historically spoken in the region of Salvone on the Idraz Continent. It was one of the official state languages of the Kingdom of Salvone prior to its disbandment, but is still spoken in Salvone and areas conquered by the Kingdom during its peak in power, including in areas of the Faylen Continent now controlled by the Iron Dominion

Salvoñol and Manian are both derived from the same root languages of Elvish and Thorassian, and so there are many words and language conventions shared between them. 
Language Proficiencies: If you are proficient in Salvoñol, you can make a fluency score check to understand Elvish or Thorass at a DC of 1/2 your fluency score in Salvoñol, rounded up. Additionally, you may attempt a fluency score check to understand Sylvan at a DC of 1/4 your fluency score in Salvoñol, rounded up.
Root Languages

Cover image: by Owen Fulton

This language has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents: