Feast of the Harvest

The Feast of the Harvest is a universal holiday celebrated near the end of Flamecrest to celebrate the end of the harvest season and the coming of the season of Repose. In the Iron Dominion, it is celebrated on the 30th of Flamecrest. 


The Feast of the Harvest is one of Tellandria's oldest traditions, dating back to the earliest civilizations of the Cradle of Kropall. Over the thousands of years since its inception, it has seen many changes and alterations, but the basic components have remained largely the same.


Though the specifics of how the Feast of the Harvest is celebrated differ from community to community, there are some general similarities that one can expect to find regardless of where they are when the event occurs: 

Though the Feast of the Harvest is a day-long event, the festivities don't typically begin until late morning or early afternoon. Communities will organize some kind of fair or festival, featuring games, events, food, and drink, that will last late into the evening. In many communities, the Feast of the Harvest is a chance for families and businesses to show off their best recipes and brews for the community to enjoy (and likely purchase). 

The Feast of the Harvest concludes with the actual feast, a large meal that features fruits, vegetables, and meats harvested during the final months of Felicity. In large communities, families or groups of families typically organized the feast among themselves, whereas in smaller communities, the feast is a community-wide dinner. 

Cover image: by Owen Fulton