Prime Planes

When Tellandria and the Alatheia Solar System were first created by the Elder Gods, the first five planes of existence were also brought into being. Each of the Elder Gods ruled over one of these planes, and they remain extremely important to this day:
Prime Material Plane
The Prime Material Plane is the plane of existence that houses the planets, stars, solar systems, and galaxies of the multiverse. Most representations of the planology of the multiverse place this plane of existence in the center. Before his death, Equus ruled over this plane of existence.

Celestial Plane
The Celestial Plane is the plane lawful good, is ruled by Themus, and houses some members of the Court of Benevolence. This plane of existence is dominated by Mount Celestia, a towering mountain upon whose stone is written the Celestial Record, the recorded histories of every creature's existence on the Prime Material Plane since the conclusion of the The Divinity Crisis.

The Nine Layers of Hell
The Nine Layers of Hell is the plane of lawful evil, houses a number of the members of the The Court of Malevolence, and is ruled by Ashema. The Nine Layers of Hell is a large, ever-expanding island of brimstone on an endless sea of lava. The Island is dominated by sprawling city of Acheryx , and the "nine layers" are the nine districts of the city. Hell is a terrifying dystopia that uses the power of law to inflict cruelty, pain, and punishment upon its denizens.

The Infinite Glades of Arborea
The Infinite Glade of Arborea is the plane of chaotic good, houses members of the Court of Benevolence, and is cared for by Kakophonos. It is an infinite forest full of overwhelming beauty, abundant wildlife, and wild magic. Arborea is a place of powerful emotions, where passion is the driving force behind decision making.

The Infinite Abyss
The Infinite Abyss is the plane of chaotic evil, houses members of the Court of Malevolence, and is watched over by Anaxia. The infinite abyss is a chaotic, ever changing place of unpredictable geography. It is populated by abyssal monstrosities, and its denizens are driven by lust, greed, and other dark desires.

Cover image: by Owen Fulton