Sending Station

Sending Stations are locations that serve as both postal stations and as areas for long-distance magical communication. They are commonplace in the central and Northwest territories of the Iron Dominion, and can be found in the more larger settlements of Chapel Valley.

For a moderate fee, citizens of the Dominion can send letters and packages to any other location in the Dominion by way of Stagecoach or Train.

Sending stations also allow citizens of the Dominion to send magical messages using pay-per-use Sending Stones in one of two ways. The first way is by sending a single, 25-word message to a sending stone at a different sending station, which is then copied down and delivered as a letter to the intended recipient. Alternatively, two individuals can schedule a time to simultaneously use sending stones at different stations, allowing for communication with no third party involved. 

Many in the Dominion believe that messages sent using the stations' sending stones are monitored by the Iron Dominion, leading those in the Varied Trades to avoid the use of these stations. However, sending stations are vital to the postal economy of the Dominion, and they offer a relatively inexpensive way for citizens of the Dominion to stay in touch with friends and relatives all across the continent.
Alternative Names
Post Station, Sending Office
Post office
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Owen Fulton