Sodality of Grace

The Sodality of Grace is a religious order dedicated to carrying out the divine will of Clementanus, the Caregiver. 

Tenets of Faith

The clergy of the Sodality generally follow a set of guidelines that have existed since the founding of the religious order, and are based on the divine domain of Clementanus: 
  • All are welcome in our missions; it is not our place to judge the lives of others
  • See to the needs of the community before your own
  • Allow other's paths to be their own
Core to these tenets of faith are themes of unconditional care, self-sacrifice, and non-intervention. 


While there are no specific rules about how brothers and sisters of the Sodality must live, the core tenets of the faith encourage many members to lead simple and peaceful lives. Most members spend their lives within the missions of the Sodality, avoiding the accumulation of wealth or physical possessions, and giving freely of their time and energy to the service of others. 

The missions of the Sodality reflect this dedication to simplicity and care as well. Unlike the churches built to Bestalt, Belethyr, and other members of the Benevolent Court, the missions of the Sodality are typically very plain structures adorned only with basic iconography of Clementanus. 


The Sodality of Grace encourages members of the public near their missions to seek Clementanus' help and forgiveness by praying within the mission. The Sodality also will typically offer its missions up as a place for local governments and members oft he community to use as a meeting space.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Given their status as the followers of Clementanus, most governments have a Law of Sanctuary that prevents law enforcement from arresting, attacking, or performing other hostile actions upon those who are within the walls of Sodality missions.   Additionally, the Sodality of Grace occupies a special place in times of war, as its members are generally given free access to battlefields to treat the sick and wounded. One notable historical exception was the war with the Kingdom of Salvone, as the members of the Armada of Dusk actively targeted the Sodality for its worship of the The Court of Benevolence.

All are forgiven

Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
Controlled Territories

Cover image: by Owen Fulton