
Belethyr is one of the Gods commonly included in the Oretrian Pantheon, though he is also worshipped on his own or in concert with other deities. He is a God of justice, (civil) law, strength, and honorable warfare.

Divine Domains

Belethyr is most often worshipped as a God of Law, Justice, and Honorable Warfare. However, his divine portfolio also often includes Chivalry, Might, Strength, Retribution, Victory, Order, Ambition, Brotherhood, Patriotism, Pride, Unity, Civil Law, Heroism, Bravery, Glory, Discipline, among other related concepts. 

Holy Books & Codes

Sword and Scales of Belethyr
Sword of Belethyr by Owen Fulton
The most important holy text associated with Belethyr is the Edict of Glory, a set of commandments issued by Belethyr before his ascension to Godhood during the Age of Creation. The Edict makes up an important part of worship in both Oretrian Orthodoxy and the Venerated of Belethyr.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol most often used to reference Belethyr is the "Sword and Scales", which depicts a upside down longsword whose handguard is functioning as the fulcrum point for a scale. The symbol identifiably references two of Belethyr's primary domains: justice and war. The Sword and Scales are often used as short-hand for the concept of justice in cultures of Tellandria that were influenced by Oretrian culture or Oretrian Orthodoxy, and are often featured on the decorative reliefs of courthouses and government buildings. 

In his mortal life, Belethyr was storied to have worn very brightly colored clothing; indeed, this has become a core feature of thetraditional vestments of the Venerated of Belethyr. As a nod to this, many of Belethyr's faithful wear bright and multi-colored clothing, and often find Belethyr's divinity in other prismatic displays (such as in rainbows).

Mental characteristics

Personal history

According to the canon of both Oretrian Orthodoxy and the Venerated, Belethyr was a mortal being who gained fame and renown during the Age of Creation for his heroic deeds in service of the early civilizations of Tellandria. After he slew Caduvoll, a great monstrosity that had been terrorizing the inhabitants of Molvan Riis, he ascended to Godhood. 

Divine Classification
Oretrian God

Cover image: by Owen Fulton