This category contains information on sets of armor and shields that can be used by PCs in Tellandria campaigns. These items do not replace existing items; rather, these items can be used in addition to the armor sets and shields found in base D&D 5E.

Light Armor

  • Brigandine
  • Gambeson
  • Heavy Leather Coat
  • Military Uniform
  • Militia Armor 
  • Reinforced Duster, Light
  • Seaweave Armor
  • Sharkskin


  • Mantlet
  • Tower Shield

Medium Armor

  • Armored Military Uniform
  • Barote
  • Bronzescale Mail
  • Chitin Half Plate
  • Fishscale Shirt
  • Lamellar
  • Reinforced Duster, Medium
  • Shell Breastplate

Heavy Armor

  • Chitin Plate
  • Chitin Splint
  • Fishscale Mail
  • Pakil
  • Shark Mail

Cover image: by Owen Fulton