This category contains information on the various weapons and weapon properties available to players in Tellandria campaigns. Some of the weapons and properties below are homebrew additions to the standard array of weapons, while others are modified versions of existing D&D 5E weapons.

Simple Melee Weapons

  • Bo Staff
  • Brass Knuckles
  • Gaff Hook

Simple Ranged Weapons

  • Atlatl
  • Blowgun
  • Kalawit
  • Seabow, Short

Simple Firearms

  • Air Pistol
  • Pistol, Light
  • Speargun, Light

Martial Melee Weapons

  • Fire Lance
  • Hook Sword
  • War Fan

Martial Ranged Weapons

  • Bola
  • Seabow, Long

Martial Firearms

  • Air Rifle
  • Blunderbuss
  • Bolt Rifle
  • Carbine
  • Double Barrel Shotgun
  • Derringer
  • Fire Lance
  • Lever-Action Shotgun
  • Musket
  • Pistol, Dragon
  • Pistol, Heavy
  • Revolver
  • Rifle
  • Sawn-Off Shotgun
  • Speargun, Hand
  • Speargun, Heavy

Ammunition Types

  • Blowgun Needles
  • Bolt Rifle Rounds
  • Carbine/Revolver/Rifle Rounds
  • Derringer Round
  • Fire Lance Ammunition
  • Lead Shot
  • Pellets
  • Shaft
  • Shotgun Rounds


  • Alchemist's Fire 
  • Grenado
  • Thunder Stick

Weapon Properties

  • Air Reservoir
  • Ammunition
  • Arduous
  • Bayonet
  • Both Barrels
  • Close Range
  • Concealable
  • Defensive
  • Divine Aim
  • Exhalation
  • Explosive
  • Harpoon
  • Hooked
  • Knockback
  • Loud
  • Reload
  • Sanctified
  • Single-Use
  • Sniper
  • Stealthy
  • Unarmed

Cover image: by Owen Fulton