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The Kingdom of Basir (population 685,000), the naval power of the Kalamaran Empire, is ruled by the royal House of Kadana. Three hundred years ago, the House of Kadana swore fealty to Emperor Vilik and, in return for their loyalty, Vilik granted them the land now known as Basir. Ever since the creation of the Kingdom of Basir, a gift of one hundred of the finest pearls from the King's pearl farms are given to the Kalamaran Emperor on the anniversary of his day of birth.   The current ruler of Basir, King Rapos II is now nearing seven decades of life. As a result of his age, for the past ten years Basir has actually been ruled by Rapos' daughter, Princess Dela. Dela refuses to take the crown from her father until he dies.   Princess Dela has proven to be a very capable ruler. She remains completely loyal to Emperor Kabori, a loyalty she learned from her father. Her laws are fair and just, and racial tolerance is very high in Basir. As a result, dwarven and gnomish miners are common among the Ubikokeli Highlands, as are halfling farmers. Many elves also reside in the Edosi Forest, although they claim allegiance only to their elven king. The recent influx of demi-humans over the last decade has produced an extra source of tax revenue, mostly from the Ubikokeli's miners.   Religious tolerance is almost as widespread as racial lenity. Only the Conventicle of Affliction has been banned and most others are welcomed. Temple of the Stars, the Courts of Inequity, the Founder's Creation, Parish of the Prolific Coin, House of Vice, House of Solace and Temple of Enchantment are the most popular, and of these, Temple of the Stars and the Courts of Inequity are the largest and most influential, especially within the capital city.   Basir is a small, yet affluent parr of the Kalamaran Empire. Most of the Kingdom's wealth derives from her abundant natural resources. These include: the foodstuffs and staples that are amply provided by two full growing seasons, rare and exotic herbs from the Alubelok Swamp, gold panned from the Ridara River, gems and minerals mined from the Ubikokeli Highlands and wood from the giant trees in the Edosi Forest. Additionally, Basir's domestic economy has never been directly affected by warfare as no foreign nation has ever invaded Basiran soil. The heavy duties and tithes collected. by Emperor Kabori seem a small price to pay for such safety.   Due to the Emperor's protection and the lack of landward enemies, the standing army is small, only consisting of 1,000 heavy footmen, 400 bowmen and 800 horsemen. In the past, these troops have been used only for the invasion of pirate islands or the military resolution of disputes among petty lords.   Basir's navy boasts well over 250 warships and has some of the finest marines in the world. The Kingdom uses its navy to protect the Empire and its allies from pirates and also enforces Emperor Kabori's decree that all Pekalese ships shall he attacked on sight. To this end, a large portion of the fleet aggressively patrols southern Elos Bay.
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