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Bet Urala

At a Glance

Basir's capital city, Bet Urala, graces a large hill of gentle slope. Its wall stands but eight feet tall and is now well inside the real borders of the city. For temporary protection, a wooden fence marks where a new city wall will be built some 500 yards beyond the present wall. Three gates allow for entry from the north, south, and east. Paved Imperial roads travel north and south and a dirt wagon trail splits into three in the east.   The city overlooks a large natural harbor. Merchants from Svimohzia and elsewhere feel much safer in the port of Bet Urala than in the naval war zone between Tokis and Pekal and prefer to bring their goods here. Consequently, the bustling marketplace rivals those of Zoa and Dalen in business, if not in size.   The excellent marketplace and the fact that Bet Urala is the only major city in Basir, has resulted in most Basiran nobility building permanent residences within the city. The exotic wares of foreign merchants intermixed with the presence of the rich nobility has given Bet Urala a very cosmopolitan aura. Accordingly, for the wealthy, life in Bet Urala is of an elegant, almost fairy tale quality. The affluent stroll the immaculate Rich Quarter, dressed in brocades, satins and silks, woven in far away lands. It is a poor outfit that does not have at least one pearl button or pin.   Of course, Bet Urala has a dark side too. Slums and broken-down hovels sprawl beyond the city's outer wall. The wharfs and docks along the harbor are home to many seedy and unpleasant characters. Rough-and-tumble sailors, dockworkers, marines and mercenaries call the seaside home. Catering to this dangerous lot are the owners of the many portside swill holes and rundown taverns. Truly, one foolhardy enough to venture into such inns should be wary of losing more than just his purse.

City Map


The Hall of the Valiant and the Assembly of Light have the largest followings in Bet Urala, but the Temple of Enchantment is the most spectacular. It features four ancient belfries, with the largest of a dozen bells weighing over 5 tons. Its tolling wakes the city at dawn each day, and the bells echo for miles over the Kalamaran Sea. The Temple of the Stars boasts a larger than usual shrine in the form of an extremely large and permanently docked Kalamaran merchantman.   Other temples of note include the House of Solace, the Home Foundation, the Church of the Life's Fire, the Theater of the Arts (the Princess is a strong patron of the arts), the Founder's Creation, the Order of the Passionate One, and the Congregation of the Dead. The Temple of Sleepless Nights once tried to establish a temple in Bet Urala, but the Princess discovered an ancient law which the 3 temple had violated and vigorously exploited it to close the alarriar temple down. The building is still there, but it has stood empty for years. Children dare each other to explore within, and those who accept the challenge report horrible nightmares for months afterward.

Mages & Sages

The city boasts a skilled conjurer named Nalar (actually a greater vampire). Nalar's preferred summonings come from the ethereal or outer planes, and he has amazing skill at controlling such creatures. He crafts his bargains with lower planar creatures most adroitly. At any given time, two or more greater outsiders protect his fine home outside of the city gates, and six or more minor devils wander the extensive topiary gardens surrounding the home. A guards and wards spell protects the topiary, making the home difficult to reach by surprise.   The former Field Master, who retired to raise his grandchildren after the death of his oldest son in the Edosi Forest, is a respected master of agriculture and the weather. Feledar Hap'nam lives along the coast near the harbor, where he owns several merchant ships. Feledar frequents the docks and is a friend to many ship captains, including Pesaron Badir. His extensive olive groves are the envy of the kingdom and provide most of the olives and olive oil for Basir, Tokis, O'Par, and Dodera.  


Dela allows one thieves' guild and all thieves nominally belong to it. In actuality, fewer than a quarter of the thieves in the city report their activities and the Guildmaster secretly urges the rest to operate as they wish as well. Freelance thieves can expect steeper punishments than guild members, but guild members must pay a tithe to the crown. Crime is less common in Bet Urala than in other parts of Kalamar


53,300. The Kalamarans are in the majority, but not by much. Brandobians, a few Dejy, and even recent Svimohzish immigrants walk the streets without prejudice. Demihumans are welcome and include a fair number of elves, halflings, and gnomes. Dwarves find the area too flat, but they are welcome also.


Princess Dela rules Basir and Bet Urala directly. The dukes (especially Duke Bariakal, the ruler of the poorest and southernmost duchy) urge her to marry and they all hope to win her for themselves or for a son or brother. Princess Dela wishes Prince Osud of Birirelido to be her husband, but she does not want to seem to bow before their demands. Until an appropriate situation presents itself (or can be arranged), the Prince will not ask for her hand publicly. Osud does not share the Princess's passion and sees the future marriage as a chance to restore his ancient family line to the glory it enjoyed when they ruled generations ago.   Princess Dela does not approve of the war between her neighbors in Tokis and the Pekalese, who could be profitable trade partners. In her mind, the Tokis military could be put to better use patrolling the Edosi Forest, which gives her continuous problems.


The army is small in proportion to the city's population. Of the nation's military, only 100 soldiers protect the city. The navy, on the other hand, includes some of the finest ships in the known world. They lack the speed and grace of the Reanaarese vessels, or the huge cargo capacity of the Ashoshani merchant ships, but skilled captains and veteran mates make them some of the best ships in the world.   One of the foremost captains in the navy is Pesaron Badir, a local commoner who was impressed into the navy some ten years ago. He has a mane of white hair that has nothing to do with his age (he's barely 30), but he can perform the complicated math necessary for navigation in his head, and he understands winds and currents intuitively. Badir tells nobody about his membership as a Disciple of Avrynner; his crew attributes him with amazing gifts, but they suspect nothing about clairvoyance or other psionicabilities.

Industry & Trade

Pearls are the most famous of the city's exports and are partly the reason for its founding. The name "urala" means "pearl" in Kalamaran. Despite the attention given ro the lustrous pearls, rice generates twothirds of the city's income. The city also sees the exchange of Ubikokeli gems and metals, Edosi woods, and Ridara gold. Bet Urala is a popular port with merchants (especially Ahznoms) and no trading ships go into the Elos Bay without stopping at the city.

Points of interest

Duchess Felana is a headstrong follower of the Knight of the Gods and one of the most famous heroines of that faith. Felana has given away her personal sword, armor, and magic items to younger members of her order and now teaches swordsmanship, etiquette, and diplomacy to young ladies in Bet Urala. Many of the men dislike this practice, especially those who have taken a beating from one of her students For acting like a boor. Her tower and "gardens" (hedges behind which she practices in secret) sit directly across from the Castle Kadana.   A trio of wizards has formed a core of a guild that they hope will grow into a large organization. They claim as their goal the discovery of the fabled Lost City of Sekhancha, supposedly destroyed by the gods because their primary wizards had developed alchemy and medicine to such a degree that potions, poultices, and balms cured people of all diseases, extended one's lifespan and enhanced magical abilities beyond those of mortals and into realms belonging CO the gods. The Seekers of Sekhancha meet in a casual tavern known as the One-Eyed Ogre.
Alternative Name(s)
Capital of Basir
53,300. The Kalamarans are in the majority, but not by much. Brandobians, a few Dejy, and even recent Svimohzish immigrants walk the streets without prejudice
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