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Cult of Confusion

“The only real truth is that all truth contains some falsehood. We understand lies and deceit, and use their power to bring out destruction. We know that you will believe anything, and be damned with the truth. It is from this that our power grows."
There is no formal church of the confuser of way.

Tenets of Faith


Without a formal church, the Imposters have no means of rank advancement.

Imposters excel at hiding their identity not only from other faiths but from each other as well. The faith’s main growth comes from direct divine inspiration from the Confuser of Ways or one of his immortal servants. Growth through personal contact is less important to this faith than the more open ones.

Imposters advance in ranks of the church they are infiltrating, meeting all the prerequisites for advancing as normal. Imposters are incapable of deceiving the gods, however, and so gain only limited benefits from advanced ranks. Imposters gain the ecclesiastical rights, social status, stipends, followers, and magic items as would any other cleric. They do not, however, gain any supernatural, spell-like or similar abilities that would come from a given rank. It requires a truly gifted Imposter to advance to the higher ranks of other churches, but the damage they can inflict to a faith in those positions is frightening.

An Imposter that is discovered and cast out of the faith she impersonates loses all benefits immediately (except monetary and other such gifts, unless she chooses to surrender them voluntarily). The Imposter must begin again in another location or another faith, starting at rank 1. Before embarking on another such mission, the Imposter must atone for her crime of being caught. Until she atones, the Imposter cannot cast any spells.



Other deities temples, anywhere


Items from other religions' temples and altars


The Impostors

No formal clergy.

Clerics of the Great Deceiver always attempt to pass themselves off as something that they are not. They travel about the land in disguise creating mischief wherever they roam and ultimately seeking to destroy or ruin all that is good and orderly. A favorite strategy is to gain a victim’s trust by befriending and helping him and then bringing about his destruction through lies and deception. If done properly, the prey of an Impostor will never even know they were duped. An Impostor could even be a high ranking member of another church, striving to sow the seeds of discord and create rebellion and infighting through lies and deception. Impostors are particularly fond of snakes and will often be found raising them or in possession of one.

Clerics of the Great Deceiver will often conduct religious ceremonies and rituals in the temple or on the sacred site of another deity. Their favorite target is a temple dedicated to a good or lawful deity, preferably the Courts of Justice. At odd hours, Impostors and followers of the Master of Mischief sneak into these temples to perform their unholy rites and acts of desecration.

Imposters do not work well with each other or with open allies. They work thickly surrounded by enemies, since all other faiths are their enemies. Because of their intense secrecy, they sometimes work at odds with each other; two different Imposters working within the same temple and subverting each other’s work is a common enough tale across Tellene.


Clerics of the Confuser of Ways make an effort to wear garments typically worn by clerics of other religions during their own clerical ceremonies. During services, Impostors always wear masks to hide their identity.

Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Church of Confusion, Church of Deceit, Church That is Not, etc.

Articles under Cult of Confusion