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Cult of G’tiru

G'Tiru of the Trench is an unthinkably massive, black-hearted and disgusting creature that has been the source of many reference to a mythical Kraken god over the centuries. Said to hail from some abyssal trench in the floor of the deepest parts of the Kalamaran Sea, no one is sure if the monstrosity ever existed, nor, if it did, if it exists still today. Certainly it has not been sighted or encountered in many lives of men.

The creature G'Tiru is revered in a few hidden places of Sobeteta and certain other port cities (including a few in Svimohzia) by a small, paranoid cult of beast-worshipping fanatics. It is also worth noting that certain small, truly nauseating carvings have depicted a massive squid-like creature that is said to be G'Tiru. These pieces of artwork command incredible prices if sold, but supposedly lead to misery and murder when kept, as persons unknown perpetrate gruesome acts and atrocities to obtain them.

There are purportedly a few actual clerics worshipping the creature as a deity and receiving spells. How this is possible is unknown, nor is it clear that G'Tiru is granting the spells itself (it is very likely that other evil gods may be doing so for their own reasons or to spread misery). Such clerics have thus far been rumored to gain 1st-level to 3rd-level spells only, but no one knows if that is the limit. Clerics of the Cult of G'Tiru are also said to have gained spells of both the Destruction and the Ocean Domain.

The small cult is secretive and sadistic, given to grotesque ceremonies and torturous, foul sacrificial rites. Their prayers beseech their obscene beast god to come forth from some abyssal sea trench and destroy the coastal cities of the world, particularly Sobeteta (where the cult seems to be headquartered). They are dangerous and undoubtedly mad, to desire to see or summon the creature, but they are neither stupid nor reckless.

If G'Tiru does exist, it is very likely that it has lain dormant since time immemorial. If it awakened, the resultant devastation to Sobeteta and the surrounding area would be beyond imagining, for surely only a colossal protector could defend against such a creature.

Secret, Religious sect