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Livre 1, Chapitre 2 : Terror from The Deep Side Quest

Everyone is so kind around here, why do I feel creeped out ?
You've finally found a safe place to land and repair the ship after that hellish storm. Why do I constantly feel like fleeing as fast as possible.

The island, at a glance

As you approach the tropical island, you are greeted by a picturesque scene of white sandy beaches and crystal clear waters. The island is covered in lush vegetation, with swaying palm trees and brightly colored flowers. As you get closer, you can see that there is a small settlement nestled near the shore, with several wooden huts and a larger building that looks like a drydock.

Overall, the island seems like a peaceful and idyllic paradise, with no obvious signs of anything unusual or strange. The residents of the settlement seem to be going about their daily business, with some people fishing or tending to the gardens, and others lounging in the shade or chatting with their neighbors.

Despite its remote location, the island seems to be thriving, with plenty of resources and a close-knit community. You feel a sense of relief wash over you as you approach, grateful for the chance to rest and replenish your supplies before continuing on your journey.

The lost village of Ll'hhoggoa

The wharf

When they disembark, one of them spots (DC:16) a gold coin on the beach, it is number 25/100, it depicts a siren. A detect magic reveals it has a very faint conjuration aura.

While a few of them look at the coin, one of the others, sees monstrous creatures beneath the waters without fully revealing them. A quick shadow beneath the water’s surface, unidentifiable sounds from the depths, or even rare sightings of grotesque sea creatures too horrifying to fully comprehend.

At the same time, an old man and a few fisherman are approching them.

The drydock

The drydock in the village of Ll'hhoggoa is a small, rudimentary dock made of weathered wood and coral. It is situated on the shore of a shallow bay, protected from the open sea by a natural reef. The dock itself is a simple construction of wooden beams and planks, with ropes and chains used to secure boats during repairs. There are a few small buildings nearby, including a workshop for repairs and a storage shed for tools and supplies. The whole area has a slightly musty, salty smell, and the sound of waves lapping against the shore can be heard in the background. Despite its simplicity, the drydock is a vital resource for the village.

The Marketplace

The village has a small marketplace where villagers sell their wares. The marketplace is located near the center of the village and is usually bustling with activity.

The inn, The Siren's Lament

When coming close to the inn, they see people moving over and creating a path for someone or something, they finally see a goblin emerge and as it crosses their path it throws a quick glance to them. This is Awdd, the voice of the depths.

The Siren's Lament is an old and run-down inn on the outskirts of Ll'hhoggoa. The building is made of weathered wood and stone, and the sign above the door creaks ominously in the wind. Despite the inn's rough appearance, it is the only lodging option for travelers on the island, and Elspeth is willing to provide food and shelter for a price. However, those who stay at the Siren's Lament might find themselves plagued by strange dreams and unsettling visions, as the inn seems to have a mysterious and otherworldly aura about it.

The huts

The village has several huts near the shore that are used by fishermen to store their equipment and prepare their catch.

The temple

The village has a large, imposing temple made of black stone, located on a hill overlooking the village. The temple is dedicated to the worship of G'tiru, and is the focal point of the cult's activities.

There should be a series of rituals and ceremonies that the village participates in – ones that they’re cagey about or actively try to keep the players from witnessing.

As they spend more nights on the island, dreams of the temple being a gateway or portal to another realm become frequent among the party members.


Overall, the village has a somewhat isolated and insular feel, with the focus of life in the village centered around the temple and the worship of G'tiru. Several of the buildings/huts have old locks or appear abandoned. The locals avoid talking about them or change the subject when asked.


A few centuries ago there was a sudden, unexplained abandonment of the village, and the current village was rebuilt atop the old.

The villagers

The villagers might be over-friendly or eerily aloof. As the party stays longer, they notice that they're being watched. Not threateningly, just... observed.

Enoch, The village elder

This person is likely to be a respected member of the community, perhaps someone who has lived on the island for many years or who has a deep understanding of its history and traditions. They may be willing to share information with the players about the village and its inhabitants, as well as any rumors or legends about the island's past.

Jarek, The fisherman

Given the island's location and the presence of a drydock, it's likely that many of the villagers are fishermen or otherwise involved in maritime activities. The players might encounter a grizzled old fisherman who is willing to sell them fresh seafood or share tips about the best fishing spots around the island.

Elspeth, The Inn Keeper

The owner of the inn is a gruff and reclusive woman named Elspeth, who rarely speaks to outsiders and is rumored to have a dark past.

Mabon, The healer

The villagers may have a healer or medicine woman who is skilled in using local plants and herbs to treat illnesses or injuries. The players might seek out this person if they are injured or sick, or if they are looking for information about the island's flora and fauna.

Mthunzi, The blacksmith

If the village has a drydock, it's also likely that they have a blacksmith or metalworker who can repair or create tools and equipment. The players might need to visit this person if they need repairs to their own gear, or if they need to commission something new. He is the only one with Finn that hasn't been fully converted to G'Thiru worship.

Finn, The curious child

No matter how remote or isolated a village may be, there is likely to be at least one child who is curious about the outside world and eager to explore. The players might encounter a young child who is fascinated by their presence, and who may be willing to share stories or secrets about the village or the island.

Awdd, the Voice of the Deeps

Awdd the goblin, Voice of the Depth, is a small and wiry creature with bright green skin and sharp, pointed features. He wears a tattered black robe adorned with strange symbols and carries a gnarled staff that crackles with dark energy.

Despite his diminutive size, Awdd exudes a powerful and unsettling presence. His eyes glow with an eerie light, and his voice is a rasping whisper that seems to echo even in the quietest of spaces.

As the players interact more with Awdd, they should feel an increasing sense of dread. Maybe Awdd knows things about them that he shouldn’t, or his magic and spells are eerily powerful and ancient.

As a warlock, Awdd is deeply connected to the dark forces that lurk beneath the ocean's surface. He claims to have made a pact with G'tiru himself, and to have been granted powerful magic in exchange for his loyalty.

Those who cross Awdd or fail to show proper respect to G'tiru are said to face terrible consequences, from sudden and violent storms to attacks by sea monsters or even possession by the dark god's malevolent spirits.

Despite his fearsome reputation, Awdd is often sought out by those who seek forbidden knowledge or the power to control the forces of the sea. He is a dangerous and unpredictable figure, but one who may hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the cult of G'tiru.

Dreams of G'Tiru

The dreams should become progressively more intense and vivid the longer they stay on the island. Some could be shared experiences, causing the players to question reality.

As they experience these dreams, the lines between sleep and wakefulness blur. For instance, after a particularly vivid dream, a player could wake with seaweed in their bed or saltwater on their lips.

Good dreams

  • The dreamer is standing on the shore of the island, looking out at the sea. Suddenly, a great wave rises up from the water, carrying with it a writhing mass of tentacles. The dreamer can hear a voice in their mind, urging them to embrace the sea and all its mysteries. As the dream ends, the dreamer is left with a sense of longing and a desire to explore the ocean depths.
  • The dreamer finds themselves in a vast, ancient temple beneath the waves. Strange hieroglyphs cover the walls, and the air is thick with the scent of brine and seaweed. At the center of the temple stands a massive statue of a mass of tentacles looming over the dreamer. As the dreamer approaches the statue, they hear a voice in their mind promising power and knowledge beyond mortal reckoning.
  • In the dream, the dreamer is swimming through a deep ocean trench. They can see strange creatures darting past them in the murky water, and a sense of unease grips them as they sense something vast and ancient watching from the shadows. Suddenly, the dreamer is enveloped by a cloud of glowing jellyfish, and a voice in their mind tells them that they have been chosen to serve G'tiru and spread his message to the world.
  • The dreamer is walking through a dark and twisted forest, where the trees are gnarled and twisted and the air is thick with mist. They come upon a clearing where a group of hooded figures are performing a ritual around a stone altar. The dreamer realizes that they are being invited to join the cult of G'tiru, and that by doing so they will gain access to forbidden knowledge and arcane powers.
  • The dreamer is standing on the deck of a massive ship, sailing across an endless sea. They can hear the cries of seabirds overhead and the creaking of ropes and timbers. Suddenly, the ship comes to a stop, and the dreamer sees a massive kraken rising up from the depths. The creature's many eyes fix on the dreamer, and a voice in their mind tells them that they are chosen to be a prophet of G'tiru, spreading his word to all who will listen.
  • The dreamer is standing in the middle of a vast, alien landscape, surrounded by towering spires of rock and strange, pulsing vegetation. A voice in their mind speaks of the mysteries of the cosmos, and how G'tiru holds the key to unlocking them all. The dreamer feels a surge of curiosity and a desire to explore the furthest reaches of the universe.
  • In the dream, the dreamer is floating through a vast expanse of space, surrounded by shimmering stars and swirling clouds of gas. Suddenly, a massive black hole looms into view, and the dreamer feels themselves being pulled inexorably towards it. A voice in their mind whispers of the power that G'tiru holds over the very fabric of the universe, and how the cult can tap into that power to achieve great things.
  • The dreamer finds themselves standing on the shore of a distant planet, looking out at a vast, roiling ocean. Strange creatures swim through the waves, and a sense of awe and wonder fills the dreamer's mind. A voice in their head tells them of the mysteries that lie beneath the surface of the water, and how G'tiru can grant them the power to explore them all.
  • In the dream, the dreamer is standing in the middle of a great library, surrounded by stacks of books and scrolls that stretch as far as the eye can see. A voice in their mind speaks of the forbidden knowledge that is contained within the pages of these tomes, and how G'tiru can grant the cult the power to wield that knowledge for their own purposes.
  • The dreamer is standing on the edge of a great abyss, looking down into its dark depths. A voice in their mind speaks of the power of G'tiru, and how the cult can use that power to control the forces of creation and destruction. The dreamer feels a thrill of excitement and a desire to harness that power for themselves.
  • Bad dreams

  • The dreamer is swimming in the ocean, but the water begins to darken and thicken around them until it becomes a murky, gelatinous substance. They feel something cold and slimy brush against their leg, and then a mass of tentacles wraps around them and pulls them under.
  • The dreamer is standing on the shore of the island, watching as a group of villagers performs a strange ritual. They hear a voice whispering in their ear, urging them to join in the ceremony and offer themselves up to the sea.
  • The dreamer is walking through a dark and twisting maze of coral, feeling lost and disoriented. They come across a giant stone statue of Father Dagon, looming over them with cold, lifeless eyes.
  • The dreamer is standing on a pier, looking out at the ocean. Suddenly, the water begins to bubble and churn, and a massive creature rises up from the depths. It is a hybrid of man and fish, with a face that is both human and grotesquely distorted.
  • The dreamer is in a small boat, sailing through a dense fog. They hear a haunting melody on the wind, and then see a group of mermaids swimming alongside the boat, beckoning them to follow.
  • The dreamer is walking through the village, but everything is different. The houses are made of slick, organic material, and the villagers are all mutated and deformed. They hear a chorus of whispers, telling them to embrace the change and become one with the sea.
  • The dreamer is wandering through a dense jungle on the island, searching for something they can't quite remember. Suddenly, they come across a clearing, and there is a massive stone altar in the center. The villagers are gathered around it, chanting and dancing in a frenzy. The dreamer feels compelled to join them, even though they don't know the words to the chant.
  • The dreamer is standing on the shore of the island, looking out at the ocean. They see a massive storm approaching, with lightning striking the water and waves crashing against the shore. Suddenly, they realize that the storm is alive, and it is coming for them.
  • The dreamer is walking through the village, but everyone they see has the same face. It is a twisted, fish-like visage, with bulbous eyes and a gaping maw. The dreamer realizes that they are the only one who looks human, and they begin to feel like an outsider.
  • The dreamer is standing on the pier, looking out at the ocean. They see a figure in the water, beckoning them to come closer. As they approach, they realize that it is Father Dagon himself, and he is offering them a place at his side in the depths of the sea.
  • The dreamer is walking through a labyrinthine cave system beneath the island. They see strange carvings on the walls, depicting fish-like creatures and twisted, writhing tentacles. As they walk, they feel something slithering along their legs, and they realize that they are not alone.
  • The dreamer is in the village square, watching as the villagers sacrifice a young woman to the sea. The woman is screaming, begging for mercy, but the villagers seem oblivious to her pain. Suddenly, the dreamer realizes that they are next in line for sacrifice, and they try to run, but their feet are rooted to the ground.
  • Plot points/Scenes

    Arrival on the island

    The players arrive on the island with their broken ship, seeking repairs. They discover the village of Ll'hhoggoa and the dilapidated inn where they can stay while their ship is repaired. They meet the innkeeper, who seems friendly enough but a bit nervous around them.

    Exploration of the island

    While waiting for their ship to be repaired, the players explore the island and begin to notice strange things: odd symbols painted on rocks, villagers muttering in strange languages, and strange dreams that seem to be calling out to them.

    Discovery of the cult

    Through a combination of investigation and happenstance, the players stumble upon the cult of G'tiru. They witness strange rituals and ceremonies, and gradually piece together the true nature of the cult and their goals.

    The company is captured

    Eventually, the players are discovered by the cult and are captured. They are brought before the high priestess and offered a choice: join the cult or die.

    The ritual

    The players are forced to participate in a ritual to summon G'tiru. The ritual involves human sacrifice and dark, twisted magic that fills the players with fear and revulsion.

    The escape

    During the ritual, the players manage to break free and make a run for their repaired ship. They are pursued by the cult and have to fight their way through hordes of fanatical cultists to make it to the shore and escape.

    The final showdown

    As the players sail away from the island, they are pursued by the high priestess and a small group of loyal cultists. They engage in a final, desperate battle on the open sea, with the fate of the players and the world hanging in the balance.

    Escape on the repaired boat

    Finally, the players manage to defeat the cultists and escape on their repaired boat. They sail away from the island, haunted by the memories of what they have seen and experienced, but relieved to be alive and free.


    Alternative Climax

    Inescapable Tides of the Abyss   Setting: The skies darken ominously. The tranquil ambiance of the island is shattered as the sea grows turbulent, waves lashing violently against the shore. A chilling mist enshrouds the village, reducing visibility. Everywhere the players turn, the shadow of foreboding looms large.   Act 1: Echoing above the roar of the ocean, the haunting sound of drums grows steadily. Outlines of the villagers marching towards the black stone temple appear through the fog. Their pace is eerily synchronized, their eyes vacant.   Mthunzi, showing evident signs of resisting the lure of the ritual, struggles to approach the players. He's accompanied by Finn, who is clutching a strange artifact tightly to his chest, looking equally perturbed.   Act 2: Mthunzi and Finn hurriedly brief the players: The ritual's purpose isn’t merely an offering but a calling. The island itself is being turned into a beacon, drawing something vast and ancient from the ocean's abyss. Finn's artifact, an heirloom passed down in his family, might have the power to counteract this dark ritual, but it's incomplete.   Finn urgently speaks of legends hinting that pieces of the artifact were removed and hidden within the village to keep its power in check. Finding those pieces might be the players' only chance at repelling whatever horrors the ritual will unleash.   Act 3: Time is of the essence. As the players embark on their search, the pull of the ritual grows stronger. The skies above seem to warp, the stars rearranging into unfamiliar and unsettling patterns. The very air they breathe feels thick, suffocating. Strange, whispering voices seem to emanate from the mist, leading the players either astray or towards the artifact pieces, it’s hard to tell.   Shadowy figures, the Deep Ones, begin to emerge from the water, making the search even more perilous. They don’t attack outright, instead, they seem to be observing, waiting.   Act 4: The players have three dire choices:   Complete the Artifact: By gathering all the pieces and using the artifact's power at the temple's heart, they might disrupt or reverse the ritual. However, this direct confrontation ensures a desperate fight against an ever-increasing number of Deep Ones and a rapidly strengthening Awdd.   Flee on the Half-Repaired Boat: Mthunzi suggests that the boat, even in its battered state, might carry them away from the immediate danger. But escaping an island surrounded by malevolent entities won't be easy. The sea will be treacherous, and the Deep Ones, agile and swift in the water, will pursue. This option tests the players' resourcefulness and might require them to use parts of the artifact to fend off the chasing horrors.   Enlist the Island’s Ancient Spirit: As before, but now there's an added urgency. The spirit, when awakened, will not only confront the Deep Ones but also begin an elemental race against time to reinforce the island's barriers before the abyssal being answers the ritual's call.   Act 5:   Artifact's Power: A blinding surge of light emanates from the artifact, repelling the Deep Ones and breaking the ritual's spell momentarily. However, the aftermath leaves an unstable rift at the temple, a scar on the island that might one day crack open again.   Escape on the Boat: As the players sail away, they witness from the distance a gargantuan, indescribable entity briefly emerging from the ocean depths towards the island, its sheer size and presence defying understanding. The island's fate remains uncertain, but tales of their harrowing escape will be retold by seafarers for generations.   Island’s Spirit Aided: With the combined might of the players and the island's spirit, the imminent threat is averted. Yet, the spirit warns that the island will forever be marked, and the abyss will always watch.   Epilogue: Regardless of their choice, the players leave Ll'hhoggoa with more questions than answers. The weight of their experience sits heavy, knowing that they've touched the edges of mysteries far larger than any mortal comprehension. Their adventures on Ll'hhoggoa will haunt their dreams for years to come.


    Cultist worshipping an horror beyond madness.


    Rising Action

    Disappearances: Villagers or even party members might go missing, only to reappear with no memory of where they’ve been or what they’ve seen. The Sea’s Call: A player might feel an uncontrollable urge to walk into the sea at night, hearing voices that aren't there or feeling drawn to an unknown entity.
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