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Dark One

Manfred (Brandobian), Nyko (Dejy), Norakk (Fhokki), Lamas (Kalamaran), Voomau (Reanaarese), Zhanvim (Svimohzish), Solin (Dwarven), Beraclya (Elven), Ruwin (Gnomish), Gonwen (Halfling), Mravroshkha- Khielshor (Hobgoblin), Gridash (Orc) (a.k.a. THE DARK ONE, BLACKSOUL, BLACKMOURN, DEVOURER OF LIGHT, EYELESS ONE, RULER OF THE NIGHT, LORD MIDNIGHT, LORD TWILIGHT, LURKER IN THE VOID)

Divine Domains

Dusk, darkness, moonless nights

Holy Books & Codes


Traditionally written in silver ink on black pages, the Book of Endless Night is a relatively lightweight book that celebrates the deepest time of night. Superficially a beautiful work of art, this canon describes vicious sacrifices, dire chants and appeals to devils.   Book of Endless Night is divided into three sections, each written by a different saint of the faith. The first, Daylight, explains the workings of opposed faiths, especially the Assembly of Light. It describes a host of reasons for avoiding daylight, citing mind-subduing rays from the sun, the inability to hide from your enemies and the excessive heat of the summer. The second chapter, Twilight, explains that the times of dusk and dawn are better than day, but not as good as night (their biggest advantage being the lack of moons and minimal sun). Twilight is the shortest section, at only a few pages in length. Night, the final chapter, comprises two-thirds of the book and contains the evil passages celebrating the Blacksoul and prophesying his ascension to the earth when the faith extinguishes all light on the surface.   The faith’s clerics may not use the spell continual flame. Worshipers must not use torches, candles or lamps during the night of an eclipse. If necessary, they may use special covered lanterns that emit an eerie red light. The faith prohibits the killing of a raven or a bat. Killing a raven brings a fine of a goat, a lamb or a sheep; killing a bat costs either a large farm animal (such as a cow or an ox) or an equal amount in grain.   The Book of Endless Night is not hard to find in most nations, but since possession of it might be illegal, the cost is relatively high. It can be found for 80 gp

Divine Symbols & Sigils


An eyeless raven gripping a bloody eye


A small leather pouch full of former sacrifices


Any lunar eclipse (new moon) is considered an unholy day, but a solar eclipse is the unholiest day of all. Overcast, dark nights are also revered.   When Diadolai is eclipsed by a smaller moon, the church calls for the Darkening. They perform mysterious ceremonies in total darkness (their canon calls for “a thousand blind steps” before the ritual area is entered). They sacrifice the eyes of a sentient creature, preferably a worshipper of the Eternal Lantern, to the Dark One. If a faithful worshipper volunteers for this sacrifice, the congregation bestows a considerable amount in gifts in admiration upon him.   A lunar eclipse, or better yet, a solar eclipse, is the most revered night of all. Clerics of the Eternal Lantern might be held captive for weeks in anticipation of this night. The higher the rank of Cleric, the greater the prestige for both the character that captured him and the cleric who actually performs the ceremony.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Blacksoul always appears as a shapeless, amorphous cloud of complete blackness.

Dark One

Divine Classification
Quotes & Catchphrases


Darkness is enlightenment. - The black void is near. - He shall swallow the light and consume the soul. - See the darkness. - Blessed are the blind for they see only the darkness.