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Awhom Forest

The western edge of this massive, dense forest receives a wide berth by the people of Ahznomahn, for deep within the woods are the remains of a once powerful culture. Evidence of its might persists in the ruins of the lost city of Shwimajomwhi, and villages and overgrown temples with hideous statuary and foul symbols. Locals claim it was in these cities that serpent masters forced the early tribes of humanity to toil endlessly. On altars dedicated to foul and strange gods, countless men and women died, sacrificed in appalling numbers.   Recently, Ahznomahnii explorers, funded by the zurenas in Zha-Nehzmish, penetrated the outskirts of the Awhom Forest, searching for gold, magic and other treasures. However, none of these first explorers has yet returned.   The most notorious spot in the forest is an ancient metropolis about 15 miles from Hehivahni. Prospectors, when exploring, stumbled onto this vine-choked ruin. The ity’s layout is a series of concentric circles with a huge ziggurat rising from the center. The explorers sketched a map to this ancient city, intending to return with more supplies before exploring its remains, yet as they journeyed out of the forest, monstrous creatures set upon the band, killing them all. Fortunately, a local ranger discovered the remains of one of the fleeing prospectors and discovered the map or even this knowledge would have been lost.
Forest, Cloud / Water (Subtropical)
Characters in Location