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Dragons are ever the most feared predators in all of Tellene. From the terrible aquatic dragons of the Kalamaran Sea to the deadly twilight dragons, all are feared and respected. However, Ahznomahn has one particular dragon to deal with. The black dragon Xykrathix lords over the domain, dwelling deep in the Awhom Forest. He emerges every few years to feed, but is otherwise content to remain in his lair, deep within the ancient forest. Some believe the family of this dragon once ruled the men of the continent, but if this is true, Xykrathix has never revealed it.

Since he rarely attacks Humans, a coalition of Ahznomahnii merchants are entertaining the idea of approaching the dragon to see if he knows the identity of their mysterious attackers. Yet, none believe their situation dire enough to attempt it.

Current Location
Awhom Forest

Xykrathix uses the statistics of an old black dragon as detailed in the Monster Manual.

Current Location
Black horns
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black scales