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Holy Books & Codes


Physically, the canon entitled “Keystones” is a heavy, thick book. It includes illustrations of people, places and buildings, with primary emphasis on the structures.   The first half, Foundations covers basic societal issues, the natural order of things and jurisprudence from the perspective of the citizen. It emphasizes that following the letter of the law is of utmost importance and only proper channels should be used to modify the laws (but in no case should they be modified on a case by case basis). Foundations also covers the use of buildings, their maintenance and housekeeping tips. Several societal customs, such as knocking on the door before entering even a vacant home (a custom of northern Ozhvinmish) trace their beginnings to teachings in Keystones.   The second half, Structures, contains plans for buildings, drainage systems and the like, but the tone is different. It describes proper city planning and meshing of multiple buildings for optimal ascetic and utilitarian effect. It appears to be more of an architectural manual than a religious text. While building style and technique can improve and evolve (and such is the natural order of things), the fundamentals behind the buildings remain: a solid foundation, cooperation among team members, solid planning, a sound construction site, and so on. Interpretation of these chapters states that current building efforts should follow their tradition, but because of the ancient’s limited architectural knowledge at the time, modern knowledge should replace it where pertinent.   Keystones states that the individual is a single building block in a society and one component of “The Order of Life”, and that only cooperation and dedication to the whole makes society great. Hence, their dedication to upholding the law, creating public works, and devotion to their society’s government.   Destruction of a building is a serious, sad task that a Cleric must supervise. Wanton destruction of homes or shops violates the faith’s tenets, and pyromaniac adventurers have earned their wrath for overzealous use of destructive devices or magic.   The canon costs 40 gp and the Founder’s temples typically have two or three available for sale at any one time. They gladly offer it to any member or even the casual worshiper, but their faith forbids its sale to a convicted criminal; it must be freely given, along with a stern lecture.

by Midjourney

Divine Classification