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Harvester of Souls

Blonlen (Brandobian), Kygyryr (Dejy), Nytharr (Fhokki), Galapiti (Kalamaran), Xiznoom (Reanaarese), Zazimash (Svimohzish) Dusur (Dwarven), Wyleredar (Elven), Baxeeri (Gnomish), Rawen (Halfling), Domaadrik-Kanar (Hobgoblin), Prudush (Orc) (a.k.a. HARVESTER OF SOULS, RULER OF THE DEAD, BRINGER OF THE GRAVE, KING OF THE UNDEAD, LORD OF THE UNDERWORLD)

Divine Domains

Death, underworld

Holy Books & Codes


This book usually has a soft, worn cover of leather or vellum that contains many translucent pages. Each page has writing only on one side, the left. On each right facing is an image of a dead body, undead creature, or other scene of carnage. Each book’s art is unique, so a Final Word can be identified by its owner or connected with its owner by a careful observer.   The book’s chapters, called Lives, each describe the level of undeath a cleric can earn by harvesting the souls of others. While few quantitative references are given, commentary seems to imply that it takes over 10,000 slayings to earn the coveted state of lichdom. The initial chapter, Death, actually describes mortal life, which Final Word likens to not yet being born (with ascension to undeath being a mortal’s true birth).   The faith prohibits resurrection or raising in any way. Curiously, committing murder on one of the faith’s unholy days (aside from a ritual sacrifice as part of the ceremony) is forbidden. There are no restrictions against killing a follower or even cleric of the faith, but since high-ranking clerics are difficult to kill, internecine conflict among them tends to involve more deceit and sabotage than actual bloodshed. Clerics wear a knotted cord on their belts that indicate the number of lives they have claimed.   Final Word is usually outlawed, but since it describes the powers and special qualities of a wide variety of undead creatures, it is considered a useful source of knowledge. Necromancers, good clerics and sages might hoard it despite the prohibition. It costs 45 gp

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Skull and scythe


Small golden sickle


Black, bone white


Skeletal dragon


Harvest moon (Veshemo during the autumnal equinox). This is the high unholy day, known as the Soul Harvest.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Ruler of the Dead appears as an extremely tall and thin man with wisps of white hair and two red glowing yet empty eye sockets. The Harvester of Souls wears a black robe and wields a large scythe.

Harvester of by MidJourney

Neutral evil
Quotes & Catchphrases


It is time. - Time to see the King. - He is the final word, the end for all. - There is no use in trying, you cannot avoid him. - When the Ruler calls, all beings answer. - Undeath is the culmination of all existence. - Before slaying another: Your soul is ripe. - Teachings: The only glory greater than dying for the Master is bringing his bounty to another.

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