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Playing a Hobgoblin PC

The hobgoblins of Tellene constitute one of the major races of the Kingdoms of Kalamar setting. Unlike many worlds, in which hobgoblins may be little more than just a slight variation on some other PC-bait, Tellene’s hobgoblins form nations and societies every bit as complex and varied as those of dwarves, humans, elves, or gnomes. Players and DMs should consider the ramifications of this fact carefully.   It is certainly not unheard of for a hobgoblin to appear in most towns or cities, and while the populace may react with prejudice against them, they generally do not think of them as savage brutes.   What draws a player to a hobgoblin PC should be the challenge and the intrigue of an unusual race, not the mechanical advantages to scores. First and foremost for any hobgoblin character, PC or otherwise, is the concept of honor. No hobgoblin society exists without an overriding concept of honor. This should be a big part of what draws a player to such a character. Adventurers are always exceptional in some way, but if you wish to play a hobgoblin as an honorless cur, you need to understand the ramifications. That could make life even more difficult than it is already likely to be for a hobgoblin adventurer.   The people of Tellene, even those who despise and fight hobgoblins, expect hobgoblins to behave with honor. The hobgoblin nations are orderly places and the hobgoblins do not break their sworn word. In some ways, this can provide an advantage to a character, as it allows hobgoblin PCs to gain a measure of trust immediately. However, it also means that others hold them to a higher standard, even perhaps than that to which they hold themselves, and that a hobgoblin who breaks his word, even once, will soon become notorious. Also, many hobgoblins might see the elimination of such a creature as a powerful duty: they expect little of the inferior races, but a hobgoblin who turns against his heritage becomes a grave matter. So the hobgoblin must choose his words carefully, and may be better off as a silent figure much of the time.   One difficulty in playing a character bound by honor is the very real possibility of an early, if honorable, death. Hobgoblins generally do not stand to fight creatures unless they are willing to fight to that honorable end, and they certainly will not fight dishonorably. While they do not wish to be slain, dying with honor does prove their superiority, in a way. However, proving one’s honor in this way does not correlate well to a long-standing PC. Finding that balance between the code of honor and the common adventurer motivation for self-preservation can be difficult, but it can also be very rewarding for those who seek a role-playing challenge. Hobgoblins are fascinating creatures and fierce warriors. Even those who follow a non-martial career path tend to think in strategic and tactical terms, whether they have been cast out or fled their traditional homelands or not. While a PC hobgoblin need not follow any stereotypes, a player should know the basic elements of most hobgoblin customs before he diverges from them.   Many hobgoblin adventurers do not hail from a hobgoblin society originally. It is highly unlikely that adventurers are welcome in their homelands. Adventurers tend to be extremely disorderly for society and disrupting to rulers. Thus, most hobgoblin PCs have fled or been cast out, which is considered a significant penalty by hobgoblin authorities. Another possibility could be that the hobgoblin adventurer is born of other hobgoblins who fled, but such groups (or pairs) form only a statistically insignificant part of the population.   Any hobgoblin character seeks honor. He may also seek treasure, glory, and victory, of course, but this motivation drives many others. The mere acquisition of wealth does not equate to gaining honor, but it does indicate some kind of success, and this is usually a mark of honor. Thus, many outcast hobgoblins acquire vast quantities of wealth to prove to themselves and others that they can survive outside.   Hobgoblins are not slow and ponderous fighters, nor are they wild and untamed. They are fierce, determined, and quick. Many qualify for feats with Dexterity requirements.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Both Kargi and Krangi hobgoblins use personal names and surnames. Smaller hobgoblin tribes, such as the Dazlak, Kors and Rankki, usually follow this practice as well.

When creating a new name, note that Hobgoblin does not use the letters “C,” “Q,” “X,” or “Y” but does contain single letters that sound like “GG,” “KK,” “RR,” and “TT,” and translate this way into Merchant’s Tongue.

Common Myths and Legends

Myth of creation

According to hobgoblin legend, the world began empty, completely barren, and covered by holy blackness. But Blacksoul was not satisfied with the emptiness, feeling that such perfection deserved a perfect King. After creating the plants and trees, the beasts of the field, and the intelligent races, the creator was still not satisfied, for these beings were also without honor, for they would not worship the darkness. Blacksoul realized that, having been born in the light, they had been born flawed.

Blacksoul then traveled deep beneath the mountains, where the sacred darkness remained. There he fashioned the hobgoblin form from pure earth and water, celestial air and a drop of his divine blood. Finally satisfied, Blacksoul returned to the heavens, watching as his new race quickly spread across the lands, defeating their enemies and winning glory and honor for the Blacksoul, the holy darkness. But the other gods had become jealous, bringing a great pestilence upon the hobgoblins and destroying their mighty empire. Then they took the Blacksoul and destroyed his body. Yet, the Blacksoul soon returned, stronger and purer. They other gods had failed, and now it was time for the hobgoblins to return the world to the perfect darkness it once possessed, and assume the kingship that was rightfully theirs. And so, that is the fight that they all must fight every day, until the end of days.

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