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Responsible for the disintegration of the once mighty human empire, Ul-Karg remains a constant threat to the human lands. This nation of hobgoblins is bent on domination and conquest, full of a people who want nothing more than to see the Dark One devour the sun and thrust the world into the prophesized Time of the Void.

Since Fortnight's Battle, they regrouped, founded cities and looked beyond their own borders to grow mighty enough to wipe away the human presence from the island forever.

Brog-Tuuakh, a powerful hobgoblin chieftain from the Krimppatu Mountains, created this Kingdom. He was strong enough to dominate the other hobgoblin tribal lords and proclaim himself King of the hobgoblins. Shortly thereafter, the hobgoblins made war on the humans of the island. Brog-Tuuakh's host withdrew first from the battlefield in the great Dwarf-Human War (Fortnight's Battle). However, the hobgoblins believe that they actually won the war, since the combat precipitated the break up of the Meznamishii Empire.

Today, most human islanders believe that the hobgoblins have taken to the Nazguk Hills and will never return. This could not be farther from the truth. In actuality, after the war, the hobgoblins retreated past the Durbattum River and regrouped. Since the war they have founded three cities and have mastered the art of sea travel.

Ul-Karg has even begun to trade with the outside world. Its merchants trade gems, metals, ivory, rare woods, spices, textiles, livestock and slaves. Most of their trade is with pirates, Brandobians and Pel Brolenese.

Sections divide the country, each populated by a different tribe. The current hobgoblin King, Krarag- Randatk, belongs to no tribe; he rules independently, receiving homage from each tribal leader.

The kingship is not inherited. Any tribal chieftain bold enough to challenge the present king to trial by combat can become king through victory. Combat is usually to the death, although maiming and inability to continue because of lost limbs or blindness can determine a winner. Famous or popular kings who are crippled in these contests arc sometimes retained by the new king as a military advisor. Losing challengers are always slain. Regardless of who actually wins, no hobgoblin may challenge the king for an eight-week rest period. Tribal chieftains win their positions in a similar fashion.

Although exact numbers are unknown, the nation of Ul-Karg, a militocracy, is believed to have a considerable fighting force, There are even rumors that the hobgoblins are preparing for an attack on Zazahni or Meznamish. These rumors are supported by the heavy influx of warhorses recently purchased from Mendarn merchants.

Demography and Population



The Church of Endless Night is the most powerful Religion in Ul-Karg. Every major event, from coronations to important trials, requires the presence of the Kargi Nightmaster. All other events require the presence of at least one Knight of the Black Pit. The other lawful evil religions, the Temple of Armed Conflict, the Congregation of the Dead, the House of Knives and the Fraternal Order of Aptitude are tolerated. Of these smaller churches, the Temple of Armed Conflict and the House of Knives have the largest congregations.

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Kingdom of Ul-Karg
Leader Title
Government System
Major Exports
gems, metals, ivory, lumber, spices, textiles
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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