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Holy Mother

Divine Domains

Home, industriousness, marriage

Holy Books & Codes

The Home

The canon of the Home Foundation, known simply as “The Home,” contains no pictures of animals or people. Its only designs are simple geometric patterns used sparingly to break up longer texts. Its few pages contain clear print on faint lines.   The Home has no apparent order. Instead of organized chapters, it contains essays, parables and vignettes. The pieces have been carefully selected by a Cleric of great skill (and no doubt inspired by the Holy Mother) so that when read in order, they paint a beautiful and clear image of the faith’s beliefs. The cleric wrote the pieces in a simple, clear manner, making this canon one of the easiest to read.   Forbidden acts mentioned in The Home include adultery, the mistreatment of children and laziness. The Holy Mother’s canon strongly discourages divorce, lewd behavior and selfishness. Clerics are encouraged to have large families, to make no distinction between natural and adopted children, and to work hard to support their families.   The faith monitors prices for The Home to ensure that it is available, but that the scribes who copy it earn enough for their families. It costs 35 gp and is available at any temple of the faith.

Divine Symbols & Sigils


A house encircled by a ring


Two linked metal rings


The First of Renewal is called “Betrothal,” and the clerics urge the faithful to plan their weddings on this day. In fact, some clerics spend most of the year trying to arrange for mass wedding on this date. At the higher levels of the hierarchy, it is a deliberate attempt to try to associate the beginning of the year with the Home Foundation. At the lower levels, the clerics jockey for the prestige of having the largest wedding ceremonies. 

Local holy days always celebrate the wedding anniversary of the local ruler. Followers are  expected to send token gifts to the ruler. While commoners see this “gift” as yet another tax, the wealthy see it as a way to curry favor. They lavish very generous gifts on the rulers. The local church may even declare a particularly good and popular ruler’s anniversary to be celebrated for centuries.the ruler. 

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Homemaker appears as a male or female commoner dressed in work clothes.
REGIONAL NAMES (HUMAN): Brampmonel (Brandobian), Trondar (Dejy), Thokkarr (Fhokki), Taladari (Kalamaran), Mosia (Reanaarese), Moimivam (Svimohzish)    RACIAL NAMES (HUMANOID): Manklim (Dwarven), Adraladdlaen (Elven), Thimaneo (Gnomish), Periva (Halfling), Gulmab-Thrakkro (Hobgoblin), Barag (Orc)
Divine Classification
Lawful good
Quotes & Catchphrases

All that is good in the world can be traced back to a loving family. - If you work hard, all your goals will be in sight. - Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. - You get what you work For. - Dreams don't build themselves. - Laziness builds nothing.