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To hear a Kalamaran speak of his people’s history, you would think that it was his idea to cultivate rice in the Alubelok Swamp, that he personally marched in formation against the Fhokki barbarians , and that he built Kolokar’s Barrier with a brick in his left hand and trowl in his right. Kalamarans are as proud as the sun is bright, and others lament that the Kalamaran can usually make good on his boast.


Kalamarans construct their homes, equipment, and cities with grandeur. They exaggerate size and detail, covering massive lintels with brilliant frescoes, and placing them above colossal doorways. Kalamarans decorate everything, especially their weaponry and accoutrements: “Know a Basiran by his surcoat,” goes the saying, “and a Tokite by his shield.”

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Asa, Benali, Dela, Dorata, Famaril, Fanam, Felana, Fitolima, Gimane, Goranu, Helena, Hu’Ura, Ilubek, Inala, Kaperele, Ki’Isa, Kibika, Korasela, Lamasaru, Lisanara, Mepate, Nelata, Pakara, Takane, Tomare

Masculine names

Balamir, Balan, Fanam, Feledar, Feranis, Folikar, Fonamar, Haraman, Hovaran, Hul’Mar, Lakaran, Malaran, Minon, Morisato, Nelata, P’Sor, Parama, Pilamel, Pitar, Pulan, Puramal, Resemer, Saterus, Satira, Selemar, Sulat, Vanamir

Family names

Ar’Tur, Balemo, Darisek, Dilomas, Esamil, Falama, Fapeki, Gomanas, Hap’nam, Heran, Ku’Ato, Kuwaki, Lesepar, Mokira, P’Ledin, P’Mare, Pateris, Ragarela, Ragosip, Remel, Remosa, Saketi, Sepiter, Setiran, Vitisar

Kalamaran nobility always have two names. Freemen have picked up this custom as well, with two names being more common in heavily populated areas. Serfs and rural Kalamarans only use one name.

Other names

When creating a new name, note that the Kalamaran language does not use the letters “C,” “J,” “Q,” “X”, “Y,” or “Z” but does contain single letters that sound like “KA-” and “TH,” and translate this way into Merchant’s Tongue. Actual vowels or consonants are never found in pairs but are separated by apostrophes, which indicates a delay when spoken, as well as that the name or word probably originated in another region.


Major language groups and dialects

The Kalamaran language is spoken throughout Kalamar and the remaining elements of the former Empire. It is the native tongue of the inhabitants of the Young Kingdoms, even those who might be of Brandobian lineage or otherwise. Because of the many other peoples conquered and assimilated by the Kalamarans and the great size of the former empire, the dialects are many and varied. Natives of different regions have difficulty understanding each other’s speech, although at this point in time, their written words are still nearly identical.


Beauty Ideals

The ancient Kalamarans had red hair, with occasional browns and blondes. Their skin was olive in color, and their eyes were blue, hazel, or gray. Today, however, because the mighty Kalamaran Empire touched all human races, the diversity among them is great. Every combination of skin tone, hair and eye coloration, as well as build, can be found among the Kalamaran populace. Only the nobility, who marry chiefly among themselves, retain the classic red hair with any frequency. Their size varies greatly, with the tallest people in the north and the shortest to the west.

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