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The Kingdom of Kalamar (population 4,450,000), the largest and most populous nation on Tellene, is the central kingdom of the Vast Kalamaran Empire. Once the most powerful force for good and justice, the Vast Empire has Kaiathar declined to an unspeakable state of decadence. The current ruling family, the royal House of Bakar, has controlled the Empire for the last three centuries. During this time, the incompetent Bakar dynasty has managed to lose half the original land of the Empire.   Despite this decline, the central Kingdom's borders remain unchanged. Kalamar's boundaries include the Doreba, Ridara and E'Korug Rivers on the north, west and south, and the mighty Ka'Asa Mountains on the east. Kalamar and the rest of the Kalamaran Empire are ruled solely by His Most August Supremacy, Emperor Kabori I of the House of Bakar. The other nations currently under Emperor Kabori's rule are the Kingdoms of Tokis and Basir, the Lands of Tarisato, as well as the Duchy of Dodera. Additionally, Kabori occupies the dwarven Kingdom of Karasta, located beneath the Ka'Asa Mountains.   Unlike his ancestors, Emperor Kabori is a strong, gifted and clever ruler. His genius in military tactics and strategy is said to be exceeded only by the Old Man himself. Ar the Battle of Kadir Ridge, Kabori's tactical abilities and ruthlessness brought the dwarves and gnomes of' the Ka'Asas to their knees.   In order to ensure productivity and obedience from his demi-human slaves, Kabori has stationed an army along the Ka'Asa Mountains. Most of the troops consist of hobgoblin infantry, recruited from the P'Tikor Hills and the Obakasek Jungle. The apparent unending supply of iron, tin, silver and copper ores flowing out of the mountains justifies the high costs of such an army. Along with these raw materials, Kalamar has an abundance of foodstuffs, livestock and gems. Kalamaran merchants export all of these resources to foreign ports, imperial and otherwise.   Kalamar remains on good terms with the entire Empire. In the foreign political arena, Kabori has given Favorable trade status to Ahznomahn and Ek'Kasel, that is, merchants from these countries are taxed less than those from other nations. It is rumored that the Emperor has been secretly aiding Ek'Kasel in her battles against Norga- Krangrel and in return, Ek'Kasel is to help Kabori reunite the Young Kingdoms with the rest of the Vast.   The Kalamaran empire has three main political enemies; Pekal, Tharggy and Paru'Bor. Of these, Kabori's primary foe is the Principality of Pekal, which, of course, was once a member of the Kalamaran Empire. For the last decade, there has been an increase in violence along the E'Liral River, including several major battles between Pekalese and Tokite troops. King Adoku of Tolds is reportedly preparing for a major offensive, designed to destroy Pekal and return her to Kalamaran control. It is generally believed that if Adoku fails, Kabori will personally invade Pekal using the Imperial Grand Army. This action may mean the end of Pekal, but it would certainly mean the end of Adoku.   Additionally, Pekalese warships constantly battle Imperial Frigates for control of Elos Bay. This activity has increased as of late, because Kabori recently issued letters of marque to several local pirates, effectively giving them the freedom to legally assault Pekalese water-borne craft. Kabori has also issued an Imperial Decree to Basir ordering all Basiran ships to attack Pekalese vessels on sight.   Kalamar herself; like all nations of the Empire, is organized as a feudal society. Serfs farm the land owned by manorial lords, who pay tithing to their lords and so on. Ultimately, Kabori receives tribute from every lord and landholder in the Empire. For the common folk, this system provides an extremely harsh way of life. There is no liberty for serfs as they are bound to serve their lord. They are merely chattel, owned by the landed gentry and unable to travel. Occasionally, the peasants revolt. But, since Kabori has assumed the throne, these revolts have only resulted in the destruction of whole towns and villages. All involved are flogged and their leaders are publicly butchered. News of these massacres has spread far and wide resulting in fewer and fewer revolts.   Taxes are extraordinarily heavy as Kabori bleeds the nation in preparation for Imperial expansion. The lords who have dared to express their dissatisfaction over the current state of affairs have been arrested and their lands seized. One plot to overthrow Kabori resulted in the destruction of an entire noble family. Thus, commoners and lords alike cringe before the Emperor. Although they fear his wrath, most of the lords support Kabori and hope to gain his favor.   The heavy taxes have created a burgeoning black market for untaxed goods. Although the penalty for selling untaxed goods is often dismemberment or worse, every large town and city has an underground where anything can be purchased - for a price. In connection with most of these services is the Society of the Blue Salamander, which is very active within all nations of the Empire.   Banditry is common throughout Kalamar and brigands can be encountered along any major road. While the vast majority of these highwaymen are independent, some are paid by robber-barons. As local lords look for ways to increase the size of their own coffers in the face of heavy taxation, they have taken to disguising their personal troops as bandits. They then raid their neighbor's lands or ambush merchants or affluent travelers. As a result, Imperial soldiers scour the countryside, in search of these offenders. These same soldiers are very corrupt and many have taken to waylaying passersby and forcing them to pay a small fee or suffer arrest. Some of these troops also receive kickbacks from the local lords, and thus, turn a blind eye to their illegal activities.   Demi-humans are occasionally seen in Kalamar. Dwarves and gnomes are rarely seen east of the city of Lidereta because they fear being mistaken for escaped slaves. Many elves and half-elves live within Kalamar, although the elves typically stay within the confines of the Paliba Woods and the Edosi Forest. Halflings are rarely ever seen. Humanoids are common only as Kalamaran soldiery. Independent humanoid tribes are sometimes seen raiding the countryside, but these excursions usually end in complete annihilation of the humanoids by well-trained Kalamaran soldiers.
Alternative Name(s)
Kingdom of Kalamar
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