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Livre 1, Chapitre 2 : South of Heaven

Book 1, Chapter 2

Boat trip to Svimohz

Plot points/Scenes

Reanaaria Bay

Zoa, the free city

When arriving in Zoa, the adventurers contracted in Shyta-Thybaj will meet with Kafen's envoys to recruit troops.

  • Rodge the Guardian Cleric of plattoon Dragon
  • Grod the Ranger of plattoon Fiend
  • Derva the warrior of plattoon Beast
  • Edga the barbarian of squad Red
  • Ludo le barde of squad Gold
  • Wassales le sorcier of squad Devil
  • Lieutenant Ramirez of squad Gehenna (the players)

  • Rough learnings

    As the group comes into the market place, they cross path with a group of guards. A few seconds, they hear "Stop that thief!" shouted further ahead. As a young man spring ahead in front of them through the bystanders, a cast iron knocks him on the side of the head. A tall merchant, probably fhokki, comes in running and grabs him by the neck and drags him a bit further. While saying: "D'You know what happens to hooligans (voyou) here?", he proceeds to pummel the thief after being joined by a few other bystanders. As the beating ends, everyone resume their conversation as if nothing had happened, the merchant laughing it off a nice surprise. The guards are nowhere to be found.


    1. There's been a string of murders from the dregs to the artisan's district. I wonder when the guard will catch the madman.
    2. "I heard that the powerful Merchants Guild of Zoa is planning to increase taxes on all imported goods. This could drive up prices for everyone in the city."
    3. "There's a rumor going around that the captain of the city guard is on the take from the criminal underworld. It's no wonder that crime is rampant in Zoa."
    4. "I heard that the powerful House Velmor has fallen on hard times, and some of their members have been reduced to begging on the streets. What could have caused such a downfall?"
    5. "Word on the street is that the head of the Thieves' Guild in Zoa is looking to expand their operations into the neighboring cities. This could mean trouble for everyone."
    6. "Have you heard about the strange sickness that's been spreading through the poorer areas of the city? People are dropping like flies, and nobody knows how to stop it."
    7. "I heard that the wealthy House Arano is secretly plotting to take over the city council. They'll stop at nothing to gain more power and influence."
    8. "There's a rumor that a powerful wizard has taken up residence in the abandoned tower on the outskirts of the city. Who knows what kind of dark magic they're up to?"
    9. "I heard that a group of radical activists is planning to overthrow the government and institute a new, egalitarian society. Could this be the beginning of a revolution?"
    10. "The rumor is that the famous Zoa Arena is rigged, and the outcomes of the fights are predetermined by the wealthy patrons who bet on them. Is there any honor left in this city?"
    11. "I overheard some sailors talking about a ghost ship that's been spotted off the coast of Zoa. They say that it's crewed by the undead, and that it's a bad omen for the city's future."

    A ship for my kingdom

    In Zoa, a large sea-faring ship needs to be acquired for the trip towards Svimohzia. They end up finding passage on the Kraken's Husk.


    Pirate Attack

    Two pirate ships, disguised kalamaran naval ships, attack the Dead Company boat.


    Sea of the Dead

    Flock of Seagulls

    As the ship sails past a rocky outcropping, a swarm of birds, undead birds, suddenly descends upon the ship, attacking the crew with their sharp beaks and talons. The crew must fend off the birds while also trying to keep the ship on course.

    Foggy bottom

    The ship encounters a thick fog bank that seems to swallow it up completely. Visibility drops to almost zero, and the crew must navigate blindly through the dense fog, listening for the sound of other ships or potential hazards.

    As the Kraken's Husk ventures further into the Sea of the Dead, a sinister fog descends upon them. It is not like any ordinary fog; it is dense, oppressive, and bone-chillingly cold. Visibility drops to almost zero, and the world beyond the ship's bow fades into an eerie, gray abyss.

    The crew, on edge and uneasy, relies on their instincts and the keen senses of the ship's lookout to keep them from running aground or colliding with unseen hazards. The atmosphere grows heavy with a sense of foreboding as the fog muffles all sounds, creating an eerie silence that hangs like a shroud.

    Soon, the lookout's voice breaks through the stillness, a desperate shout cutting through the fog's oppressive grip. "Whirlpool ahead!"

    Before the crew can react, the ship is caught in the powerful currents of a colossal whirlpool that seemingly materialized out of the fog itself. The Kraken's Husk is dragged inexorably towards the abyssal maw at its center, and the crew's desperate struggle against the forces of the vortex becomes a battle for survival.

    The ship creaks and groans under the immense pressure as the crew works frantically to regain control. Sailors rush to release anchors and drop them into the swirling depths, while others brace themselves against the railings, trying to resist the relentless pull of the whirlpool.

    To make matters worse, within the fog, eerie shapes seem to materialize around the ship—ghostly apparitions of ships long lost to the Sea of the Dead. They drift silently, their skeletal crews watching with hollow eyes, and their spectral forms threaten to collide with the Kraken's Husk at any moment.

    The players must make quick and crucial decisions to escape the whirlpool's grasp, perhaps by using their knowledge of the Sea of the Dead's unpredictable currents or by employing powerful magic or artifacts if they possess any. Surviving this ordeal will test not only their skills but also their courage in the face of the unknown forces that lurk within the foggy abyss.

    Foggy dead

    The ghost ship is a large, three-masted frigate with tattered sails and rotting wood. Its name is the Phantom Raider (Pillard Fantôme) and it's crewed by a motley assortment of undead sailors. The captain is a skeletal figure with a tricorne hat and a cutlass at his side. His name is Captain Blackheart and he's been sailing the seas for centuries, seeking revenge on those who wronged him in life.

    The first mate is a ghostly woman named Anne, who was once a pirate queen. She wields a pair of wicked-looking daggers and is fiercely loyal to Captain Blackheart. The crew is made up of various undead creatures, including zombies, skeletons, and even a few ghosts.

    Despite their undead status, the crew of the Phantom Raider are still skilled sailors and fighters. They can navigate the most treacherous waters and engage in fierce battles with other ships. However, they are also bound by a curse that keeps them trapped on the ship, unable to rest until they complete a certain task.

    Rumor has it that the Phantom Raider is searching for a lost treasure in a Dark Tower, hidden somewhere in the Sea of the Dead. The crew is determined to find it, no matter the cost, and will stop at nothing to achieve their goal.

    Party floaters

    While crossing the Sea of the Dead, an intoxicated Crewmember, Kehin, falls overboard while trying to grab a box with a lasso. The large wooden box is covered in barnacles (coffin) as it floats past. If the players choose to haul it onto the ship they will find the word “CASSIUS” is engraved above the lock. Inside rests a long-forgotten vampire who will attack the crew one-by-one at night if aboard the ship.

    Kalamaran Sea

    Food ahoy

    The food and water has spoiled because of rats onboard, the Kaken's Husk will be forced to stop to find food and fresh water in the Obakasek Jungle.

    As the adventurers make their way through the dense and humid Obakasek Jungle, they find themselves constantly on guard against the numerous goblinoid tribes that inhabit the region. The jungle is teeming with dangerous creatures, and the sound of predators can be heard constantly in the background.

    As they search for food and water, the adventurers come across a small goblinoid village, the Roknari. The villagers are initially hostile, but after a tense standoff, the adventurers are able to negotiate for supplies in exchange for performing a task for the tribe's shaman.

    The task involves traveling deeper into the jungle to retrieve a rare and valuable herb, which the shaman needs for a ritual. The journey is treacherous, with the adventurers having to navigate through dangerous terrain and fend off attacks from both natural predators and hostile goblinoid tribes.

    Upon returning to the village with the herb, the adventurers are welcomed back as heroes and are given the supplies they need to continue their journey. However, they soon discover that they are being followed by a group of large, ferocious lizards that seem intent on attacking them.

    With the help of their newfound allies, the adventurers are able to fend off the lizards and continue on their journey towards Svimohzia, but they know that they will need to remain vigilant as they navigate through the treacherous Obakasek Jungle.

    Kraken ahead

    After crossing strange waves, the ship passes through a stretch of water that is unnaturally calm, with no wind and no waves. Suddenly, a massive tentacle bursts out of the water and grabs onto the ship, threatening to drag it down into the depths below. The crew must work quickly to sever the tentacle and escape the clutches of whatever monstrous creature lies beneath the surface.

    Stormy weather

    The boat has to weather a major storm and everyone on board needs to work double time to keep the boat afloat.

  • The lesser mast breaks
  • There are multiple leaks that spring in the hull because of
  • Multiple crew members are severely injured and some fall overboard.
  • A lightning strike triggers a fire in the rigging.
  • Lost souls

    A massive spire of stone erupts from the ocean. There appears to be someone at the top, looking down upon your vessel. The Dark Tower.


    Land Ahoy!

    Will need to stop on an unknown island to repair, luckily there is a drydock...Terror from The Deep