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It is from the native tribes of this land (including some Zassho tribes) that an upstart named Mewzhano left for the riches of the west. There, he and his followers conquered its primitive fishing tribes and forged a new kingdom. A generation later one of his descendents, Miznoh by name, eventually arose to form the Meznamishii Empire, and returned to bloodily conquer Mewzhano's original tribe and its neighbors.   However, in time, the Duchy of Ozhvinmish seceded from the Empire. It is now the largest of the Svimohzish nations (a fact in which its people take great pride), but actually operates like two separate states with separate capitols. The King runs the western state, while a steward manages the eastern province.   Ozhvin personalities vary based on the region in which they live. Those in the west are conscious of social rules, while those of the east shun the values of their ancestors and show admiration (mixed with a heavy dose of jealousy) towards Ahznomahn. Even those in the south seem more like neighboring Zazahnii than the Ozhvins of east and west. The reason behind these unusual psychological tendencies comes, perhaps, from their lack of identity. Miznoh struck the tribes living here hard, destroying centuries of culture and identity. He left in his wake a shattered people, searching for their place in the empire. Consequently, many lack their own system of values and adopt those nearest to them.   The modern Ozhvins are tall and handsome, with gentle features and lithe builds. Those in the west often bear traces of Meznam bloodlines, as evidenced by sharp and angular features. Traces of elven blood are common in those from the Miznoh   Source: Svimohzia: The Ancient Isle

Major organizations

Favored deities

Western Ozhvinmish
The Knight of the Gods, the True, the Powermaster, the Eternal Lantern, the Guardian,
Eastern Ozhvinmish
The Powermaster, the True, the Knight of the Gods, the Raiser, the Eternal Lantern,
Parent ethnicities
Languages spoken