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Knight of the Gods

KNIGHT OF THE GODS, THE VALIANT, THE SWIFT SWORD, CHAMPION OF TELLENE, EVIL SLAYER Brovadol (Brandobian), Dejfo (Dejy), Vorr (Fhokki), Deb’fo (Kalamaran), Naemae (Reanaarese), Whenhesh (Svimohzish), Lusurk (Dwarven), Berereldar (Elven), Mirazi (Gnomish), Adaran (Halfling), Thargaz-Tuborg (Hobgoblin), Rorg (Orc)

Divine Domains


Chivalry, valor

Holy Books & Codes

To Serve

The canon of the Halls of the Valiant is entitled “To Serve.” Each copy traditionally includes 21 scrolls, each known as a “Hero.” Within the last two hundred years, the church has collected the scrolls into a single book, but old clerics and rural temples still use the old scrolls.

The Heroes are biographical accounts of different people, some currently revered as saints, and some nearly forgotten. The accounts are almost certainly exaggerated; even zealots have difficulty imagining Saint Nolano, the old Halfling (and 3rd Hero) carrying a Bear carcass for seventy miles without rest.

The scrolls emphasize manners and etiquette. Certain Heroes also exhibit endless courage and good humor, even in the face of imminent death. The contemporary custom of Searching (a four-year period spent traveling) has been around for centuries and springs from the theme of Heroes going on journeys for the sole purpose of aiding others. Violations include allowing evil to flourish, refusing aid to someone in need, and disgracing the faith.

To Serve costs 50 gp for a modern version, and is available in temples dedicated to the Knight of the Gods across Tellene. Older copies in scroll form sell for up to 100 gp, and they appear in secluded temples, monasteries and libraries.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

SYMBOL: Golden eye on a blue/white diamond pattern COLORS: Blue, gold, white ANIMAL: White stallion


Spring and fall equinox

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Knight of the Gods appears as a muscular, golden-eyed being with long, wavy, white hair streaked with gold. Clad in blue clothing with gold, full plate armor he wields either a greatsword (Valiant) or a lance (Evil Slayer).
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization