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Also known as the Yuan-Ti


Shafaniva worship the Confuser of Ways, whom they call Gushz (pronounced "guhzzzzz")

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Titles and Epithets

Descriptive Titles

Yuan-ti often use titles that describe their rank, role, or notable attributes.

Examples: Vashiss the Whisperer, Ixlythiss the Venomous, Xalass the Seer

Hierarchical Indicators

Names may include indicators of their social standing or caste within Yuan-ti society.

Examples: Sseth the Pureblood, Shalthiss the Malison, Zarkhazz the Abomination

Clan or Family Names

Serpentine Themes

Clan names often reflect their serpentine nature and connection to ancient, mystical elements.

Examples: Coilfang, Shadowscale, Venomspine, Nightfang

Compound Names

Clan names may be compound words that evoke imagery of snakes or their environment.

Examples: Darkcoil, Bloodscale, Thornviper, Ashfang


Female names

Sshara Vralithar Zsara Coilfang Shalthiss Darkcoil Vralithar Thornviper Nahualith the Seer Yssak the Whisperer Issrilith Xalassith Zarkhazia Shalthara Sslithara Vyssith Hissara Nyssira Thalissa Zsithara Ixalithia Vasithra Zhyssira Shysithra

Male names

Ixlyss Bloodscale Hissath Nightfang Zarkhazz Venomspine Xalass Ashfang Sseth the Venomous Vashiss the Conqueror Ssethiss Zsorith Hissarn Vyssarn Xaltharn Vralitharn Issralith Zhyssith Nahualith Yssithar Thalissar Ixalithar Vasithar Shysarn

Unisex names

Yiztu Mitsui Shustlu Iskish Suitshu Szima Ssamahsies Toszili Ilsesiss Shilkushleeh Hezhu Szehshis Zostiel Szoahshi Ihlee Thinu Sshehtlezui Zoshushla Szolkellus Azhuizheih

Beauty Ideals

To ressemble Gushz is the greatest once be to divinity.

Most shafanivars stand about 5 to 6 feet tall, not including their tail. Their scales may vary wildly in color, though they tend towards greenish-brown overall.

Shafanivar are constatly trying to "breed out" their human features, and so abominations (human-like shafanivars) are rare.


A giant snake with a single human-like feature, maybe a head or arms.

Halfbloods (Malisons)

Halfblood shafanivar appear as humans with obvious snakelike features, such as following:

  • a snake head
  • flexible torso
  • a tail in place of legs
  • snakes instead of arms
  • scales instead of skin
  • legs and a snake tail
  • Abominations

    Major Language Groups and Dialects

    Shafanivar speak their own language, a raspy, hissing form of Svimohzish. Most of them also speak Abyssal, Draconic and Merchant's Tongue.
    Genetic Ancestor(s)
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