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Half-hobgoblins (sil-karg to hobgoblins) have been around since before written history, appearing first on the edge of civilization and then creeping into it. Human folklore usually paints them as unfortunate victims, unable to avoid turning to evil in a crisis, as their hobgoblin taint overcomes them. Hobgoblin tradition calls them wayward, and a threat to civilization. Neither welcomes them.   Half-hobgoblins look like bulky humans, with square features, large hands and strong shoulders. Their skin is reddish, similar in tone to the Kakado Dejy of the Young Kingdoms. They dress in an awkward combination of utilitarian clothing and elaborate jewelry.   Half-hobgoblins manage to cooperate best with humans, hobgoblins, and dwarves. They dislike elves, like halflings (but tire of them easily) and avoid gnomes. They fit in most smoothly with those human societies that have, for the most part, come to accept them (such as in the Lands of Tarisato).   The sil-karg do not have their own lands. They share space with either the humans (in Tarisato, Prompeldia and increasingly in other city-states of the Elos) or their hobgoblin parents (in Norga-Krangrel, Tarisato or Ul-Karg). The city of Prompeldia has a sizable sil-karg quarter that is threatening to become large enough to count as its own culture.   Being outsiders, sil-karg are fond of the Watcher, but they also worship Risk, Powermaster and Queen Destiny in large numbers.
Ability Scores
Con +1; +1 to three separate abilties
30 ft.
Same rate as humans and have lifespans similar in length to theirs.
Your size is Medium.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
You can speak, read, and write Krangi or Kargi and a human language.
Bonus Language
Kargi descendants speak Svimohz and others speak Merchant's Tongue. And three extra languages.
Parent ethnicities