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At a Glance

The heavily fortified harbor, Prompelm Bay, can berth at least 40 large vessels and numerous smaller ships. The city relies on tall walls to deter most invaders, and inside the city smaller walls divide the city into four quarters. The wooden homes inside the walls are colorful and clean.   The city wakes slowly, but it builds to a crescendo of racket by the middle of the day as hammering smiths, bickering merchants, and blaring musicians vie for attention in the streets. The noise continues into late at night as the activity turns from bustling work to vigorous entertainment.  

City Map



All religions are welcome, regardless of belief or practice. Congregations change on a daily basis, and citizens tend to propitiate a multitude of gods. No fewer than 70 temples and shrines exist within the city walls. The Church of Chance has its largest and key temple in Prompeldia.

Mages & Sages

The city's premier wizard is an illusionist known as Bonoroti. Until a dozen years ago, he hid his identity by masquerading as a neophyte gambler, but since his illusions were discovered, he has prospered, much to his surprise. Now he sells spells such as invisibility, detect magic, and illusory wall. Burglars and those who wish to hide things from burglars are his primary customers; he does not care which is which as long as the gold they give him in payment is real.


From Gremply's huge thieves' guild, which now has thousands of members worldwide, Prompeldia exports murder and thievery to the rest of the world. In jest, Gremply Slivers claims to be responsible for every act of thievery committed on Tellene.   At times, ambitious rogues have attempted to start their own guild in direct competition with Gremply's, but the mayor always manages to infiltrate it from the beginning and comes down on the rival hard and fast with a company of hobgoblin infantry.   One such ambitious rogue is Sulenna Ruy, the Church of Chance's Challenger of Fate (high priest). He runs a small but lucrative guild whose activities include counterfeiting, forgery, cons and fencing. So far, they have managed to avoid Grem ply's retribution, but how long Sulenna can continue his operations in secret is a subject of much debate among the priesthood's senior members (the best odds give him a one in twelve chance of continuing another year).


9,800 humans and 6,000 non-humans. The humans are principally of Brandobian descent, with Dejy and Kalamaran blood freely mixed in. Halflings and hobgoblins number 2,200 and 800 respectively. A smattering of representation from every intelligent race makes up the remaining population.


Gremply Slivers is the notorious mayor of Prompeldia, the most famous thief in the City of Thieves. Gremply is becoming more responsible and less frivolous as he ages and he is trying to give his city some respectability, but changing the image he has fostered for so long is impossible. He has already drafted a law to assure the succession of his chosen follower — the thief and merchant leader Batten Altean, a close ally of the Golden Alliance. The law itself is contingent on Gremply's natural demise or retirement. Gremply feels this will better ensure Barten's loyalty, and Barten seems to agree.   The government's impact is lighter than silk and offers little policing. Gremply abolished all taxes; goods may be imported and exported without paying even one copper coin. In their place, however, Gremply established a protection racket. Instead of paying taxes, citizens that pay a fee based on their net worth are safe from robbery (at least government-sanctioned robbery). Merchants may pay to store their goods in government warehouses that are safe from theft. This fee is paid directly to Gremply, and any unauthorized thief caught stealing from one of his warehouses is likely to become one of his slaves. One section of the city consists solely of such warehouses. Additionally, Gremply set up a safe-haven for caravans traveling along the coast to encourage active trade with his southern neighbors.


The city's premier force includes two companies of 100 hobgoblin heavy infantry (scale mail and morningstar), one of 100 human infantry (chainmail, shield, and longsword), and 200 halfling stingers (leather armor, shield, sling, and shortsword). The hobgoblins are parr of the tribute that Norgra-Krangrel pays Prompeldia for protecting its southern flank and they are loyal to their own kin.   The city employs a few actual mercenary bands to bolster the regulars in time of need, but scouts, thieves, and assassins are always in use. They serve as scouts or strike forces against enemy command units. If necessary, Gremply orders them to support the main armed forces.

Industry & Trade

Prompeldia boasts the largest independent slave market outside of Pel Brolenon. Humans,  demihumans and even humanoids (including giants!) appear on the auction blocks of Prompeldia. They sell to Norga-Krangrel's officers for service as conscripts, Tokis  for labor, Basir For pleasure, and Kingdom of Kalamar  for all of these purposes.   While the auctions are bid in increments of gold pieces, many forms of payment are accepted, including Tharggy minks, Shyta-na-Dobyo wines, and P'Baparan metals.   Goods both mundane and exotic trade in Prompeldia as well. A merchant can find Krangi weapons and armor, crown jewels, spellbooks, enslaved monsters, trained pets, poisons, and hundreds of items that bring with them angry former owners.   The city is famous for its gambling houses, and Prompeldia's establishments are some of the most profitable anywhere in the world. People come from the Elos Bay area, western Kalamar and even northern Svimohzia (although most of the latter prefer the safer and closer entertainment in Zha-nehzmish).

Points of interest

The Snake Eyes Tavern started as a tavern by a well with one gambling table run by a sneaky rogue named Cheftan. Cheftan's business grew so much that he bought the tavern, expanded it to include the well and hired his own staff. When Cheftan sits down at a table these days, it is as a ringer to encourage a mark to bet more rhan he should.
Alternative Name(s)
City of Thieves
15800 (9,800 humans and 6,000 non-humans).
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank

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