BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Slave Cost

Base cost

Skill level Base cost
unskilled1 10 gp
laborer2 25 gp / npc level
craftsman3 75 gp / npc level
scholar4 60 gp / npc level
adventurer 100 gp / class level
  1. an untrained youth or a person with no useful skills and average strenght. 2. adult with no skills considered exceptional. 3. slave has ranks in at least one useful Craft skill. 4. slave has ranks in at least one Knowledge skill.

Exceptional ability scores

Total ability modifier Add
1-3 +5 gp
4-6 +10 gp
7-12 +25 gp
13-24 +100 gp
25+ +200 gp


Age Multiplier
Young x1/2
Adult x1
Middle-aged x3/4
Old x1/2
Venerable x1/4


Race Multiplier Rational
Dwarf   x2 Dwarves are tough, durable and have long lives. Popular craftsmen.
Elf   x3 Elves are excellent craftsmen, have the longest lives and are generally attractive. Slave scholars are commonly elven.
Gnome   x1.5 Gnomes have many advantages with their one glaring weakness being their lack of strenght. They are used in a variety of roles, including scholar, craftsman, artisan and laborer.
Half-elf, High, Half-elf, Dark, Half-elf, wood x1 Longer-lived than humans, they tend to waywardness and are often untrusthworthy.
Half-hobgoblin x1.5 The sil-karg are not good looking, but they are capable of following orders.
Guruk-Vra x1 Half-orcs are unattractive, short-lived and stupid, but they are strong and durable.
Halfling x0.75 Halflings are small but they still eat a lot. They are weak and hard to keep under control, but they are also sturdy and long-lived.
Hobgoblins x1.5 Hobgoblins are strong and tough. Their free life is often not unlike slavery, so their willingly obey those who earn their respect.
Human x1 Humans are adaptable to mny different locales and temperatures, and may be trained to do almost anything. However, many humans prize freedom over all else, as some slavers have found to their dismay.

Cover image: by Kenzer & Co