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The Merry Merchant Inn

A smiling Brandobian merchant holding a mug in his outstretched right hand. The name is written in Brandobian above and Merchant’s Tongue below.

This is one of the major inns in the city, and the most likely place for new arrivals to stay. The Double M, as the regulars call it, is a well maintained inn and tavern on the seashore in the Old Town Quarter. One of the oldest buildings in Bronish, it is said to have been one of the original trading houses of the early Mendarn merchants. Local fishermen frequent the tavern while foreign merchants frequent the inn.

The rooms and food are god quality and very affordable. Consequently, it is possible that there will not be any rooms available at certain times. The most crowded time is daily just after dusk when the local fishermen in come to relax.



Moretam is a Meznam merchant who deals in the catch of the day and sells fishing supplies. He is friendly to outsiders and likes to hear of far away lands. In return, he is often willing to share whatever local information might be of use to an unaccustomed traveler.

Fenshishy is an inquisitively paranoid Meznam/Brandobian fisherman. Both friends and newcomers alike often call him a fool. With the local dragon protecting the city from obvious threats of force, he believes that pirates, Vrandols and Brolenese spies secretly walk the streets in an effort to subvert Bronish from within. Though he has no proof of any of his conspiracy theories, no one has ever been able to prove him wrong.

Crew and Customers

The proprietor of the Merry Merchant is a Brandobian/Meznam man named Verlo Reinman (see “Other Notables” above). Verlo inherited the tavern from his father, who inherited it from his own father. He is a cheerful, portly man who makes every effort to ensure the comfort and the needs of his guests. He is very popular with both the locals and visitors, and as such, he has many friends in the town who take an interest in ensuring that his establishment succeeds.

His sons Estind and Malbren assist him at the bar and in the kitchen. He has six serving girls: Ananesh (Meznam), Brava, Lelten (both Brandobian), Mari (halfling), Mirashez (Meznam), and Sabeleen (Brandobian – Verlo’s only daughter). A burly male Meznam fighter named Svezahni keeps order when patrons get too rowdy. The tavern often has 20 to 30 customers in the morning, and 30 to 40 patrons in the afternoon and evening (mostly humans)

Parent Location


  • Common room 2 sp/day or 13 sp/week,
  • private room 2 gp/day or 13 gp/week,
  • semi private (2 beds) room 5 sp/day or 34 sp/week


  • Average meal 4 sp,
  • ale 4 cp/mug,
  • mead 3 sp/mug, rum 4 sp/mug,
  • common wine 2 sp/pitcher,
  • fine wine 10 gp/bottle