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Zolansahr - Half-Gnoll

Half-gnolls, like half-goblins, are the offspring of gnolls and captured human prisoners. In their savage tribal life, there is little chance that the youngster will survive - though it does happen from time co time. Gnolls are rarely, if ever, raised by their human parent.   Half-gnolls are known as "vraaark" in Gnoll, "drelsibar" in Brandobian, "govalij" in Dejy (Elos), "jhekkarr" in Fhokki, "kinimal" in Kalamaran, "raarornaer" in Reanaarian, and "zolansahr" in Svimohzish.


Half-gnolls are ambitious, brutal, chaotic, and untrusrwortby, traits often common to both of their parents. Vraaark prefer solitude ro the tribal life of gnolls or the human communiry, and speaklirde. They prefer to let their actions speak for them.

Physical Description

Half-gnolls srand abour 6 to 7 feet tall and commonly weigh from 180 to 220 pounds. Their skin is dark, with a brown or black mane-Uke head of hair. Their bodies are often quite hairy or covered with a thin coat of fur. They also have wide, pointed ears on each side of their menacing face. Half-gnolls are considered adults at age 10 and can live to be up to 70 years old. Vraaark are almost always male, and all vraaark are sterile.


Vraaark raised by a gnoll tribe will beare as savage and bloodthirsry as any gnoll. The usual temporary alliances they make are with bugbears, hobgoblins, ogres, ores, and trolls, and are inevitably temporary. If raised by their human parent, vraaark will dislike most other humanoids. Regardless of parentage, half-gnolls are most often found allying themselves with half-hobgoblins, half-ogres, half-orcs, and half-trolls.

Half-Gnoll Lands

As a race, half-gnolls do nor possess any lands. They are most likely found with the gnoll tribes of the Alufalik-P'Sapas Hills and the Elos Desert. In larger cities, vraaark are typically encountered in Shrogga-pravaaz and Vrendolen . However, as gnolls can be found in many areas of Tellene, they are not limited to these locations.


Vraaark tend to worship the chaotic evil deities of Tellene, particularly the Confuser of Ways and the Prince of Terror. More neutral vraaak worship the Battle Rager, Storm Lord, Emperor of Scorn and the Seller of Souls.


Like most half-breeds, vraaark generally speak the language of the parent raising them. Those who become wanderers o&en pick up other languages as well.


Because of their tribal and animalistic naruce, and their need for solitude, vraaark who become adventurers typically become rangers. Other common advenrurer types are barbarians, fighters, brigands, and gladiators. Other classes are uncommon, and wizards and sorcerers are extremely rare. A half-gnoll never becomes a paladin or Basimn dancer.
Svimohz only.
Ability Scores
Str +2
30 ft.
Zolansahr are adults at age 10 and can life to be up to 70 years old.
They are medium size.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
Hunter Instincts.
You have advantage on a Wisdom (Perception) check. This feature becomes available again after a short rest.
You can speak, read, and write Gnoll and one human dialect.