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Rustling Trees Tribe

A lycanthropic matriarchal tribe of werewolves that adopted Horxim after he fell out of his tree. It is the only “outsider” clan that traces its origins to Realgar instead of to Bruxen the Strong. They have adopted the worship of Norok but also worship the Realgan god of the hunt, Cuno. Their ancestors immigrated to Prehn roughly 200 years ago when two sisters fought for succession as pack mother; the sister who won, Majora, was vicious and cruel, so half of the pack chose to follow the other sister, Uma, into exile. Even though she lost in combat, many viewed her as the wiser and more capable leader. Uma led the pack across the sea to Prehn, and they have thrived ever since and revere Uma’s memory even to this day. Primarily trade in pelts and furs and primarily reside in and around the Forests of Pando.

Naming Traditions

Family names

The Rustling Trees Tribe pursues a naming tradition similar to the other nomadic tribes in which the oldest, most influential families are "named" and the smaller, less influential -- and frequently newer -- family units are "unnamed." The "named" families have both first names and family (last) names whereas the "unnamed" families utilize a hereditary naming system in which they have a first name but refer to their paternal or maternal forbear depending on whether the tribe is matriarchal or patriarchal; e.g. "Osnet son of Theda."   The Rustling Trees Tribe is matriarchal.   The Named Families of the Rustling Trees Tribe are as follows:
  • Beasttamer
  • Hearttouch
  • Strongshield
  • Quickeyes
  • Swiftclaw
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