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The Nation of Prehn

The loose federation that lays claim to the region south of the Ridgefell Mountains on the Primorian Continent.


Toward the end of the War of Broken Mountains, in a display of unparalleled power attributed to the new deity Gond, peaks of the Ridgefell Mountains were ripped off and launched into the sky -- thus, the city of Minster was founded.   It was after this cataclysmic event, seen as the greatest blasphemy by those living in the South, that any remaining relations between the two regions were ended, and the separate nation-states of Chalcedon and Prehn were formed.

Mythology & Lore

During the first 1,500 years of the Age of Earth, the various races of the world began to emerge. In Primoria, the belief has long been that the various races were created by the All-Source. Traditionally, it was believed that the lesser deities, The Timeless Ones, were given life before any other flora, fauna, or humanoid race came to be, and that they prepared the way for them.
Founding Date
Tirdas, 15th of Last Seed, Year 10,556 of the Age of Earth
Alternative Names
The South
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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