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Tools of Monah

The Tools of Monah include a massive, intricately decorated anvil and a heavy hammer with matching decorative etchings; they are called the Titan's Anvil and the Titan's Hammer.    The Titan's Hammer gives the wielder advantage on Dexterity checks, and the Titan's Anvil reduces the time spent crafting an item by half.


Centuries ago, before the tribes lived in cooperative harmony, before the Grand Arbiters were established, a female Orc named Sharn discovered the art and science of smithing when she and the tribe were raiding a village. She was instantly fascinated by and obsessed with it and abandoned the tribe to learn the trade secrets. After many years of living in exile and mastering her craft, she returned to the tribe, promising them that she could strengthen them with her skills. Her Chieftain rejected her, saying that once she chose to turn her back on the tribe, she had died, and the dead could not be welcomed back. As she was turning to leave, Monah descended from the skies and admonished the chieftain, saying that the knowledge and skill Sharn was offering to the tribe would help them become stronger than they'd ever imagined. She praised Sharn for her dedication to the craft and gifted her the Titan's Avil and Hammer. The anvil was so massive it could not be moved, so the first smithy was built around it, and thus Drodkur, the only settlement of the Shattered Teeth Tribe, came to be -- built around this first smithy and the Titan's Anvil.
Item type
Current Location
Very rare
Titan's Avil: 500 lbs Titan's Hammer: 5 lbs


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