
An immensely strong material made by layering the ceramic used throughout the The Cerulean Trench to build abodes and protective domes, with adamantite foil. It is the strongest material known on Tellus, even considering the Pleiades Arks.


It is the strongest material known on the planet; also the most expensive. 


It is made exclusively in a city called Caldera, requiring the use of the volcanic forge located there. It is the only place in the world that can make adamantite foil, outside of Dwarvenholme.

Social Impact

Without this material component, life on the bottom of the trench would not be possible.
Access & Availability
Only the ultra rich have access to this wonder material. Small nations kind of rich. Governments. The Cerulean Empire owns and licenses all production of adamaic.
Bringing the two processes together was a work of genius only made capable by using the immense pressures of the surrounding sea to compress the layers together. There is also a biological binding agent that is harvested from around thermal vents that dot the landscape randomly around the abyssal trench. Bringing all of these things together is tremendously complicated.
Who exactly it was that discovered the process to create adamaic is unknown, and it was long ago. So, the emperor (may his beard be ever lush) takes the credit for it himself.
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