
Made using technologies that combine mechanical genius and magical prowess, the Pluraspede is a wonder of deep sea, high pressure innovation. Constructed of a material made by layering the ultra strong ceramic used throughout the The Cerulean Trench with adamantite foil and an organic binding agent, it is able to withstand the unimaginable pressures of the abyssal trench.
The clever Aquan engineers are able to make a clear ceramic for portholes and observation domes placed in various strategic places around the behemoth vehicle. There are gill structures spread throughout the vessel to constantly recycle and refresh the air within. Water desalination is an automagic process, with through-hull fittings that only allow fresh, clean water through an enchanted membrane. These desalination membranes do not only filter out the salt, dust and silt kicked up by the vehicle as it passes, but it purifies the water as it does so, removing any poisonous chemical or biological agents. Waste is processed through several such membranes in another behind the scenes process that many of the passengers do not wish to know anything about. 

Used mainly for resource recovery far out on the floor of the Empire's abyssal trench, the massive size of these vehicles is also by design. There are no "small" Pluraspedes; they are all built to specifications, and their inertial mass is part of their equation. The vessel moves perfectly levelly, which is necessary to maintain the open-water bottom built into the front. This is used to haul up wreckage, or gather resources. On some vessels, it is used for research and exploration. Others, as an open air market for deep sea oddities. All of them, however, are behemoths that are so costly to build and maintain that they are actually owned by the empire, which has the final say on what, if anything, they are to be used for.

Power Generation

The power comes from gravity turbines housed in the very middle section of the vessel. It transmits that power, wirelessly, to the rest of the systems on the ship, such as steerage and sensing.


A vast multitude of "legs", ending in clawed feet capable of grasping and holding the rocks and debris of the abyssal trench's floor, walk the vehicle around. It can just as easliy flat foot it upon loose sand and the vast fields of silt that comprise most of the abyssal plain.   Capable of stopping in just one ship length, the behemoth can also turn in place, and strafe in any direction. The legs of the propulsion system work together so flawlessly that within the massive structure, while it is on the move, it is nearly impossible to tell that it is not standing still.   These legs also have the ability to propel the structure in an arc for up to a half a mile. This is purportedly to clear the all-too-often trenches and gullies that one needs to cross traversing the deeps of the trench, but let's face it, it's also just fun! 
Brought to you by:
The Empirical Pedaspede Company

Armor and defense

It is constructed of Adamaic , and has a huge threshold for damage.

Communication Tools & Systems

There is an entire communications room that machines for morse code, whale song, and short-wave radio, not to mention the sending stones and emergency teleportation circle.


The vehicle can display a hologram, of a sphere detailing the surrounding quarter of a mile. It uses echolocation for this exceptional ability, which cannot penetrate solid rock or deep sand to any extent, but will give a perfect picture of the surrounding waters.

Additional & auxiliary systems

There are million candlepower lights situated all over the vessel, and each of them is on a gimbal allowing it to move around and focus on items. These lights can produce wavelengths from infrared through ultraviolet, and can provide exceptional analysis of the ground cover. The ultraviolet light is also good for disposing of swarming Gaian Nematodes, which can coat the vessel with a thick coat of biological "noise", blinding the ship to the outside waters. 

Hangars & docked vessels

There are a dozen pressure suits aboard-six bipedal, and six unifinned. These suits are good for short stints outside of the vessel to engage in repairs or maintenance, or for research gathering, etc.
Under Pressure
Owning Organization
Current location
100,000 lbs. of platinum
There are five of them
Related Technologies
87 fathoms
112 fathoms
38 fathoms
121,000 tons
17 knots
Complement / Crew
There is a driver, and 12 crew, with a complement of 138 staff for cleaning, cooking, and maintenance
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
The Pluraspedes were ordered to, by design, be capable of transporting 5,000 merfolk at a time in case of emergencies.


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