
What it Is

As Gàbba Gàol's infernal machinery works its wicked magics, it is taking the souls of its victims and distilling them into a conglomerate of former self awareness that is consumable by the power hungry efreeti. It takes five hundred "well seasoned" souls to create forty gallons of the liquid, wherein he soaks himself to divinity. He cycles through five hundred souls, and gathers, therefore, forty gallons, per day.   The liquid is called "Ambrochrome", and has some very special properties.   It is supremely rare. As a matter of fact, this cache which Gàbba Gàol has synthesized, and two other naturally occurring springs of the clarified ectoplasmic slurry. The total volume of Ambrochrome on Tellus equals somewhat less than seventeen hundred gallons, and sixteen hundred of them are here, in Gàbba's Fountains of Youth.
Ambrochrome has a profound effect on mortals who consume it. It can be drunk, injected, or ingested through the skin. It is especially poignant when concentrated into a spray, and taken sublingually. The effects have been likened to a being hit in the cranium with a rock wrapped in comfy intentions.
It is a dangerous substance, risking addiction very quickly, and becomes toxic after a disturbingly short time interval. We have seen patients go from healthy to dead within six months. We have also seen patients become addicted after as few as three doses of the powerful drug. In fact, just having come in contact with it means rolling on the Wild Magic Table twice a day, for a year and a day.
Taking a one ounce "sip" of the substance will render the drinker immune to poison, fear, charm, paralysis, blindness, deafness, ennervation, or psychic damage. The drinker will fall to the floor, clutching their stomach, then roll on their back with their arms and legs splayed out like Vitruvian Man. They will be able to hear every thought with a five mile radius, and it will force their body to shut down the brain in order to protect it. This completely incapacitates the victim for 1d6 hours, and they need to make a Death Saving Throw each hour. If they fail three Death Saving Throws in a row, the character perma-dies. If they awake, they will have Truesight, permanently, and their body hair will have changed color.
Taking a second sip of the vile liquid will, once again, render the drinker immune to poison, fear, charm, paralysis, blindness, deafness, ennervation, or psychic damage. As before, the drinker will fall to the floor, and then roll onto their backs, eyes wide open, in a catatonic state of metamorphosis. The victims will be incapacitated for 3d6 hours, making Death Saving Throws at the top of each hour. Failing three Death Saves in a row results in perma-death. Should they awake, however, their Charisma and Wisdom Scores will be raised immediately to 22, but no higher, and they will be able to grant the ability to cast a single Cleric cantrip to up to twelve people.
Taking a third sip of the acrid, viscous soul-juice produces the by-now well known "falling down" trope, this time for 3d12 hours. A Death Saving Throw will be made at the top of each hour; once again, failing three of them in sequence will result in the character's perma-death...this time, not even a Wish spell can bring them back, and they will rise again as a Lich at some point in your characters' futures. Assuming, of course, that they have futures. This time, should they live, they will be granted immortality on a limited basis. They will never die by natural means...but, they can be killed, maimed, or disfigured just fine. Their Constitution goes up to 22 immediately, but no higher, and they gain both a flight speed, and a swim speed. They no longer need to eat or drink, although they are quite able to do so, but alcohol and other drugs no longer have any effect; nor does any poison. The ability to strike with a 10th level lightning bolt, or the same level flame strike is also added to the repertoir, as is the ability to Comprehend Languages both written and spoken.
Taking a fourth sip, for any carbon based life form, is certain death. But, if their bodies are available, and True Ressurection is cast upon it as a ritual, that Player Character rises as a lesser deity.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
One of the rarest substances on @Tellus.
4.175 lbs per gallon
Raw materials & Components
Five hundred souls, and the equipment to distill them out of magma. Also, incidentally, several Deals with an Archduke of Hell, two Wish spells, and Asmodeus' ignorance. This last is arguably the most important of the ingredients.


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