Boone's Cave

A huge cave with an equally large entrance, Boone's Cave is big enough to harbor two fully rigged ships. The cave has become the personal boathouse of the Boone's Light lighthouse keeper, who uses it for his own ships, and allows friends and family to store their own vessels there, as well. It is hard to find a more secure place to moor one's boat.


Docks and scaffolding have been erected throughout the cave, to better facilitate the two ships that shelter there most often, and it is fully HKMSB certified as a shelter harbor. Massive doors across the cave's opening can be shut to ward off bad weather, and the ships within can stand a storm surge up to six fathoms without unstepping the masts. It is such a handy little harbor, that the lighthouse keeper uses it to run his side business: harbor tours of Marketoon, and drunken "sailing soirées", such as bachelor parties. Truth be told, he is making the bankers in Marketoon very happy indeed.


It is a natural cave that was worn into the side of a high cliff. It is also hard to see, from the outside, due to a natural fold in the rock face, so that one must know it is there to use it, so to speak.

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Boone's Cave, Battlemap by H. Ogni


Discovered by Captain Igle Icraophoe long centuries ago, it is where he used to harbor his ship, the Guide Star...a reference to the brightest star within a constellation that Tellusians cherish, called 'the Guide'.

It has since gone through many hands, but it has become the default harbor for the Boone's Light lighthouse keeper, whoever that may be at the time.

Please note: normally this secret would only be visible to Tellus' GMs, it has been left public for WASC

Cover image: Boone's Cave by H. Ogni
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