
When the notorious pirate Icra O'Phoe disappeared from the seas, his competitors breathed a simultaneous sigh of relief. However, when months had passed, and nobody in any port knew where ole' O'Phoe went, people amongst the pirate community began to really worry. He was a beloved figure, after all, even amongst those who competed with him. There had never been a time that ole' O'Phoe had not helped a fellow sailor in need, and indeed, he would throw parties that could encompass entire townships in debauchery. A massive man, with bulging forearms and shirts that never quite fit over his biceps, his laugh was as huge as he, himself, was. He had been a real lady's man, in his youth, had ole' O'Phoe, but it had been noted that he had settled down shortly before his disappearance. Some even blamed the apparent change of heart on a woman...     Well, the truth is almost as mad as the fiction. Ole' O'Phoe had simply changed his name...or at least, the name he had been using...and begun a new enterprise. He envisioned a tax-free outpost, of merchants and sometimes shady dealers, and so he sailed away from pre-High Kingdom Greynor, never to be seen again. Or, so everyone said. In reality, he had found a suitable delta, in a suitable bay, upon which to set up tents and market stalls. It was not long before the shipping captains became aware of this merchant's paradise. It seemed lightning quick, from that point, that "The Outpost" became an overcrowded camp of rowdy sailors looking to spend their wages. It was not long before a good, clean whorehouse had been built, and it was quite soon after that beloved landmark went up that The Outpost hired a team of civil engineers from Stilton Head to design and install a sewer system, and running hot and cold water. The Outpost paid for sewer upkeep and repair, and it became a 'very strong suggestion' to include water closets and baths in every new building going up. Seemingly overnight, the rates of illness and pestilence disappeared, surprising both Icra and the teams of engineers he had hired. They then set about solving the mosquito problem. With atomized garlic water, and exceptional drainage, The Outpost became virtually mosquito free. The Outpost was thriving so well that it had to be expanded, and then expanded again, before a dedicated group of City Planners hired by The Outpost began planning and executing block and neighborhood construction in conjunction with the Builder's Guild. Of course, with such wealth, comes crime. A town guard had to be set up, originally organized and staffed by civic leaders and volunteers, over the decades growing into an elite peace force with advanced de-escalation tactics, Special Weapons and Tactics teams, and a civilian leadership corps. A fire-fighting team, calling themselves the Plug Uglies, set themselves up at roughly the same time. Over time, more fire fighters and their gangs evolved into a cooperative, cohesive first responder unit that saves lives almost every single day.   Icra O'Phoe retired after a thirty year run as the overseer of the explosive growth happening in this little Outpost he had envisioned, and a decade or so before that, a stage performance of Farketoon by Trayvon the Bard had exploded onto the scene. So, naturally, the wise-arses inhabiting the town started calling it Marketoon, and the name stuck. It is still secret, somehow, though many believe the The High Kingdom has some sort of stake in it.   It is, technically, on High Kingdom property...


The population, like most of the rest of the The High Kingdom's, is almost entirely human. We say 'almost' because it is rumoured that Gnomes inhabit the town in disguises. That is of course poppycock, there are no such things as Gnomes, silly!


It is Guild based.


There is a navy and coast guard.

Industry & Trade

The town is a free market


Windmills, plumbing, city water and waste, paved roads, sturdy bridges, many dockages, public services such as fire departments and a police department, water taxis and gondolas, open markets with first come first serve stalls and tent sites.


Marketoon is in possession of the largest cache of gold bars in the known world.

Guilds and Factions


People in the know come here to party their faces off.


Simple in style, but sturdily built, like boat construction.


It is flat, situated on the delta of the Ayles River.

Natural Resources

Fresh water, salt, clay, marble, timber.
Alternative Name(s)
The Outpost (Original name)
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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