Heironymus Bosch Character in Tellus | World Anvil

Heironymus Bosch

Professor Heironymus Bosch (a.k.a. Ronny)

An engineer and academic by trade, Heironymus has some good ideas to help the people of his beloved flying city, but winds up stymied at every turn by Percy Chatham, who seems to have a personal grudge against him.

Heironymus, or "Ronny" to his friends, leads a comfortable enough life on Cloud Nine that he, so far, has not fought back when Percy has shut down his initiatives. He is, for the moment, content to observe and gather information. He is quite certain that there is something going on in the Cabinet, but he cannot put his finger on just what it is, yet.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ronny's in great shape, and strong as an ox.

Facial Features

Like many other Zephyreans, Ronny wears a full beard and mustache. 

Physical quirks

Ronny's right hand is nearly twice the size of the other one, and he takes pains to hide it from other people.

Apparel & Accessories

Ronny wears an airman's leathers, and always has a gnomish air-glider nearby.

Tellus' Standard Reference

Gnomish Air Glider


Very Rare Not required

This item, when launched from a sufficient height, offers a Fly Speed of 20' per round. The vehicle cannot fly upwards independently; it only glides downwards. It can make gentle turns, is fully steerable, and nearly silent in its manner of operation.
The Air glider has an AC of 12, and 35 Hit Points. It immediately falls out of the sky when these hit points are expended. There is no stealth penalty for using it during covert operations.

With a wingspan of 17', this lightweight glider can be easily launched from an airship, or the side of a considerable cliff. The rider straps, prone, into a harness that hangs from a collapsible framework made of milled bamboo poles and Aralind Silk tensioners. The control arm hangs down in front of the rider, who steers left and right using a combination of body movement and aerodynamic control surface manipulation. An Aralind Silk fabric is stretched over the framework to form the wings and control surfaces.

Once the rider is done with it, it folds up into a surprisingly small, briefcase-sized package with a convenient carrying strap.

Cost: 3,000GP
Weight: 12 lbs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ronny is a real man's man, in that he is a former Golden Gloves boxing champion, a "Junior Ranger" wilderness survival expert, from his time attending The Bardic College Campus in Greynor. The real difference is that he has no gripe with anyone expressing themselves any way they wish, and in fact will get behind anyone who is being outright bullied by someone stronger than themselves.   He spent a few nights in the Greynor lockup before he got his shit together, and decided to move on up to Cloud Nine, which he had discovered one night during his sophomore year while tripping on Pearl Jam, and caffeine. He had been doing his astronomy homework.


He has a Master's in Paraengineering, from the Bardic College Campus, and is a certified lifeguard on Greynorian beaches. He also took, and passed with flying colors, a wilderness survival class that culminated in his being dropped off in the midst of Birkwud with nothing but a compass and a knife. He had to navigate his way to a specific location in a set amount of time, and rolled in two days early, hauling a fully dressed deer carcass on a sled he had jury-rigged out of pine boughs.

Mental Trauma

Ronny's father was an abusive alcoholic, and he lives every day to be thje opposite of that.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ronny may be the most intelligent person living on the island of Cloud Nine.

Morality & Philosophy

Ronny is very much a "live and let live" kind of guy, although he cannot stomach bullying and will intervene if he comes across any.


Bullying, or restraining someone against their will, is anathema to Heironymus, and he will intercede.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White skinned human
185 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Hand me that spanner..."
Cloud Nine
Settlement | Nov 2, 2023

"It's the third cloud on the left!"

Character Portrait image: Heironymus Bosch


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