R. Percival Chatham Character in Tellus | World Anvil

R. Percival Chatham

Goodman R. Percival Chatham (a.k.a. Percy)

The current Minister of Defense of the city of Cloud Nine, Rodman goes by his middle name of Percival and has a penchant for squinting through his pince-nez. He wears stolid gray or black suits, and prefers penny loafers to boots. His stockings always match his pocket square, his cigar nubber and pocket watches sport fine silver chains, and his jackets are exquisitely tailored Aralind Silk by the famous Greenbaum Family Clothiers, out of the groundling city of Craysilt.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Percy is in surprisingly good shape.

Facial Features

Percy proudly wears a beard.

Identifying Characteristics

He has a tattoo of an anchor on his inner left forearm, with a pair of serpents twining up the shaft like a caduceus.

Apparel & Accessories

Percy is always dressed to the nines, with his pocket square always matching his stockings, and fine silver chains securing his pocket watch and cigar nubber.

Specialized Equipment

The Seal of the Minister of Defense.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Percy lived amongst the groundlings for many years during his education at The Bardic College Campus, returning only later in life. He reacclimated quite quickly, settling in and soon running for, and winning, the position of Minister of Defense in 5571 NG.
Percy is proud of his accomplishments while enrolled in The Bardic College Campus, never too shy to relate stories and anecdotes from his days in the school. 

Gender Identity

Percival is slightly misogynistic, although he will never admit that to himself or anyone else.


Percy's sexual awakening happened during his time at school, in Greynor, where he was quite hurt by the rejection of a girl he believed he was truly in love with. This soured his personality significantly, according to those who knew him best, although his professors always said there was "something off" about the boy.    He frequents Greynorian brothels for companionship, and has introduced his friend Phineas to their wiles and charms.


Percy is a graduate of the bastion of higher education known as The Bardic College Campus, having attained a Masters Degree in Theoretical Mathematics, with a minor in Interperative Dance.


Percy is a Minister for Cloud Nine, a city floating in the clouds, and hiding from the groundlings. He has a job with quite a few responsibilities, and needs to be available all day, every day.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He is a graduate of The Bardic College Campus, and has captained several yachts to victory in regattas around the islands south of Greynor  He was the school's fencing champion for six years running...his entire tenure at the college.

Failures & Embarrassments

His abject failure to woo his college crush scarred him for life, revealing a deeply narcissistic personality disorder to those who look for such things, although his friends and colleagues would be very surprised by this analysis.

Mental Trauma

Percy was bullied mercilessly as a child.   None of his bullies are currently alive.

Intellectual Characteristics

Percy is inquisitive, always wondering how he can turn any situation to his advantage. He is crafty, and clever, with a reputation for being quick on the uptake.

Morality & Philosophy

Percy never approaches a situation without first figuring out how to be in a position of power over his counterpart.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bearded white human
185 lbs.
The Storm King
Aligned Organization

This article has no secrets.


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