
The Taishando Lizardfolk of the eastern Taishan jungles have a word in their language; yuhstrí-tso, which roughly translates to bad devil in the common tongue. It is a colloquialism with a couple of different meanings in the Lizardfolk spoken language. One of those meanings is simple enough to understand, really, as we have something similar in the Common Tongue. That would be the expression bad lad, meaning a particularly rebellious youth who has yet to grow out of the phase. Another connotation, to Lizardfolk in particular, is a male who will not help care for the youngsters of his tribe; a responsibility generally taken on by the entire village.

There is a final significance, to Taishando Lizardfolk in particular, to the phrase yuhstrí-tso. To them, it can mean a malevolent ancestral spirit, that has taken on some physical form. This spirit can possess a sapient body, for instance, as well as any animal or insect; although they are said to favor swarms of flies, and writhing piles of maggots. These malevolent spirits can kill livestock and sickly people, or children, so have been hunted to near extinction. Near extinction, however, is not total, and one of these spirits in particular has been abiding and thriving for more than a thousand years.

Called by the Lizardfolk Kal'Ghûlom, this monsterous and vengeful spirit inhabits the frame and body of a devoured elf, to this very day. Sightings of it are not uncommon, as it prefers to scare the Lizardfolk of The Nyssan Jungle away from its territory, rather than having to fight them, and it has evolved a rather dramatic show of it to do so.

Preferring to have its food delivered, wriggling and alive and wrapped in rope, it has made dark deals with many of the Ichik'ryu, who deliver kidnap victims and outsiders to it, falsely believing it to be a tangible extension of Kal'Ichik's rage.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

It is an emaciated, horned monstrosity that sloughed off enough skin from its elven host-body to leave it mostly exposed sinew and gristle.

Body Features

It has grown elk horns out of its skull, and has opted to keep the eyes. Its rolling eyes seem to scare its food even more than empty eye sockets. Elven ears sweep back from the sides of its skeletal face, and it finds that keeping the form of an elf or human deepens the terror that its food experiences, making it all the sweeter.

Physical quirks

Its legs bend backwards, like an elk's.

Special abilities

Ambush, Mask of the Wild, Pounce, Mimicry, Darkvision 300'

Apparel & Accessories

It wears only a loin cloth, and even that is only out of some deep seated habit, left over in its personality from when the body was that of an elf.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A cousin to the Wendigo, this malevolent spirit has been living in the deeps of the swamp for generations of Lizardfolk, now.

Personality Characteristics


The creature is completely evil, and lives only to grow. It only grows. It never excretes; it only consumes, gaining in strength, size, and vile power with every life that it feasts upon. It has come to crave the taste of Lizardfolk flesh.
Murky and dead
stringy and grey, shows off his horns
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Skin sloughing off of exposed muscle fibers
165 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
Come to me, my darling child...come to me in my swamp! Let me taste your essence, let me drink your blood! I will feast on your entrails and strew your innards around my home as decorations. Come here, to me, my darling child!
The Ichik'ryu
Organization | Jul 14, 2024

"Get away from him, kid, he's feral when he meditates..."

Taishando Lizardfolk
Ethnicity | Jul 4, 2024

Dance like someone's watching...

The Nyssan Jungle
Geographic Location | Jun 30, 2024

"Is that a snake, hanging from that tree?"

Cover image: The Dead Swamp
Character Portrait image: Kal'Ghulmol


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